Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The fighting Lohan saga continues

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Now Michael Lohan has accused Dina of using cocaine while she was pregnant with Lindsay. He said his ex wife justified her drug use by saying it "sharpenes her talents." I don't know what freekin' talents she has besides being a pushy lying dope whore, but if this is true, anyone who'd do that to their unborn baby has no excuse. Of course, it's a toss up who's crazier..Michael or Dina. Either way, those four kids are the losers. If I was Lindsay I'd buy Promises rehab and live there forever. A judge has ordered family therapy for the lot of them. It won't help. That's like thowing a glass of water on a forest fire.

And THEY are the reason I no longer hate Lindsay Lohan. Poor girl has been doped since she was in utero and with these two lamers as parents her personal life has been hell. I'm surprised she isn't a serial killler.


Anonymous said...

Lindsay is just a baby. She's barely 21 as we all know. One day she will look back and shudder at her behavior. I still dont like her though because of her attitude.

Anonymous said...

the whole family needs therapy.

Anonymous said...

The next five years or so will tell what Lindsay is made of. (If she lives that long) The twenties are the years when those of us who had shitty, self-serving, emotionally dead parents, can finally cut through all their crap and see them for who and what they really are. Either she will continue to make excuses and end up just like them; or turn completely in the other direction; the less time she spends with those two the better for her. If she's pushing 30, still out partying, drinking and driving, getting arrested and going to jail (or going to rehab), than she has no one to blame but herself.


Anonymous said...

from what I have seen of Dina, I don't blame the father for trying to get more visitation rights - he served his time and seems to be genuinely concerned for the kids.


Anonymous said...

LMFAO @ cocaine sharpens her talents.