Tuesday, June 19, 2007

John Travolta says stupid things

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The terrible shootings at Columbine and Virginia Tech, according to Travolta, were caused by, (gasp!) psychotropic drugs...

He said, "I still think that if you analyze most of the school shootings, it is not gun control. It is [psychotropic] drugs at the bottom of it."

And about what Loony Tooney Tom Cruise said to Matt Lauer about drugs? John says..

"I don't disagree with anything Tom says. How would I have presented it? Maybe differently than how he did, but it doesn't matter."

Yay Scientology! They have all the answers. No one can answer me when I ask why they remade Hairspray? Hairspray was already a good fun movie, why'd they do it again? Why can't I just go re-rent the old Hairspray? See? I don't get stuff like that. Anyway, Travolta needs to duct tape his pie hole...it's like some giant penis shot a load of stupid right in his face.


Anonymous said...

They didn't even shoot the new version in Baltimore....plus Travolta said recently he didn't want his role to be a "drag joke." John: the original mama Turnblad was played by the fabulous Divine. It was ALWAYS a drag joke.

Anonymous said...

He does say stuipid shit...just like him preaching about being "green" and then he hops on his little private jet to blow away some more ozone. He can piss off too.

Anonymous said...

George Clooney once said something to the effect of movie stars giving opinions on "whatever" is stupid; who the fuck cares what they think, really.
Actually I have soooooo seen the last John Travolta movie.