Monday, July 30, 2007

Alli Sims singing

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Alli singing some song from Le Miz. If this is her real voice, she's not bad, hella better than Britney. Kind of reminds me of a poor mans version of that chick from Phantom. She doesn't seem to do "tricks," I'm sick of tricks, you know? I see no reason why singing has to be a bunch of screeching divas trying to hit the highest note and reverberate thier voice on every word. My ass is tired of it. It's kinna nice just to hear someone..just sing. LISTEN.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is not so bad.

Maybe a different song would have been better. Something more fitting to her voice. But overall it was ok. Not great but ok.

You hear a lot worse stuff every day on radio or mtv.

The Alli-pervert

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Alli-pervert! OK, there is a lot worse on the radio

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah. there is a lot worse on the radio, but she still sucks. hard.

Anonymous said...

I think she has a decent voice, but I can't imagine that song would ever be played on the radio. Just my opinion of course, but it's more suited to the theater, or maybe Sasha Cohen's long program at the Olympics.


hart734 said...

DD, I always enjoy you. You put a garbage can to my name, so I must be awesome.
DD, I just found out I have cancer, and the outlook aint good. I will quit with the anom, and will enjoy your garbage can. You have responded to me several times...without knowing who I was.
No more anon

Anonymous said...

I can't find the singing bit on the link (on her music bit it just says come back soon) but I read her biography and she seems nice. A little bit on the photoshopped side, though.
hart734 that's awful! I hope your condition improves.: (