Jennifer and Paul are on again, off again. She thinks he travels too much and wants someone who's available, her friends think he's using her to become famous (according to tounge waggers)..Bla bla, I just liked the pictures. Isn't that weird??? Oh, btw, Smartwater tastes like dust.
A pox on thee! I love SmartWater. It's the only water that makes sense to fork out extra money for cause it's know...stuff in it that's good for you. Anyway, thanks for the repost of that eye candy. Yummy.
she needs to get over Brad - this guy looks too much like him. She needs a no body, so she can be the important one.
Smartwater has electrolites, to keep you hydrated. Ummm, all water keeps you hydrated because..IT'S FUCKING WATER! That stuff tastes like dust bunnies on crack.
I hope J.A meets a nice guy whom she can trust & makes her happy .
I just do not think it is right what brAngelina did to J.A -
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