Friday, July 20, 2007

Britney Spears making her next vid?

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Poontang dressed up in this getup and was at "the studio" making a music vid..that's what I'm told, though I think it would take a miracle to get her to do anything for more than two minutes, unless it involves stripping. Bloggers are calling this the "Black Widow" look, because of the 40's black hat with lace. I kind of like the hat. She just needs to move to a nude beach somewhere, that'd make her happy.


Anonymous said...

She looks and sounds horrible. I dont think this new shit will sell.

Anonymous said...

sooo fugly. So young to look a 4o year old washed out cocktail waitress. She needs to move into a trailer and really feel at home.

Anonymous said...

There is something seriously wrong with this girl. She's turned into a total exhibtionist. She needs serious mental health help! A young mom with 2 babies does not behave this way, she has no self respect. Whats wrong with her?!! Plus, she needs to hit the gym & cut out the fattening Starbucks before she makes a video-EW! I don't wanna see her flub bouncing around on my TV!

Anonymous said...

Poor thing...she thinks she's still hot! Pathetic. I don't think she even owns a mirror.

Anonymous said...

Britney's new job? Hooker? Next we'll hear she was arrested for soliciting! Well, at least she's working.

Anonymous said...

god she looks like shit.
washed out hooker.
Man, she looks old.
like the blow.
ParAss still looks good, but that's because she is retarded and clueless and has never done drugs hahahahahahahahahaah

Anonymous said...

she may have a bit of excess skin here and there,but shes a young single mother in her mid twenties who was a millionare before she was 20 and was pushed into the public eye from the age of like 5.

so ask yourself could you cope any better if you were in her position,everyone handles life differantly she may be making a mess of things and letting go, but let her learn from her mistakes.

Not a particular britney fan but i respect her in a weird way...

Anonymous said...

poor poor girl......i feel so bad for her.......


Anonymous said...

Looking at Britney now I feel embarassed to say that I was once a fan. I still song her songs when I am joking but I am her fan no more. She has really let herself go and I truly hope that she does better but I doubt she will ever have what she had in the past. Saying all of those things like "she blongs in a trailer park, she's gonna be a hooker," is uncalled for. It's immature. So just shut it, got it? Good. If you don't then just go somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Love the hat too - always thought those little puffs with the lace were cool but for everything else - can't say much good about it.

Anonymous said...

She better hope Ice-T don't see these pictures, or he'll be rolling by brits to pimp that ass too.

Anonymous said...

I will always love her. i dont care what she looks like-- or if she shaved her head i honestly love her. and she is a talented girl. i know she looks awful. i think that she should be known for her talent and not her weight or hair.

Anonymous said...

lmao, oh me. i must say, i am sitting here wondering why anybody gives a fuck, and why anyone is making any money trying to keep up with this bullshit anymore. we need a new pop star. we need to find us a new 17 hot chick from disney to dance around scantily clad while mouthing synched snythed lyrics written by a chubby 13 year old lamenting over lost love and gummy worms...wait, cough cough, gag. do we have to do the same shit all over again? how about we become fans of some artists who actually have talent. that, or im gonna resort to southern rock and grass for the rest of my life....

Anonymous said...

her talent? she doesn't have any talent

Anonymous said...

Dear God those pictures are frightening. She's so out of shape..and out of mind for that matter .

Anonymous said...

wow. she really needs to get her personal life back on tracks, lose ATLEAST 15 kilos and get a sence of fashion and know what you do and what you just DO NOT do. and get some sing teaching. her voice is horriblely vague and high in a really bad way. she needs some power. grrrrrrrrrr.

Anonymous said...

ew britney is really ugly now. i feel bad for his sister jamie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Does fugly ring true here??

Anonymous said...

Wow; everyone here is pure evil.

I bet more than half of you wouldn't look any better in that outfit and yet you think it's right to critisize Britney?

You all need to get out of your computer chairs and find a life somewhere else besides the Internet and besides celebrities.
They dont give a fuck what you look like or what you do so why should you care about them?