Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Britney Spears..more OK

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Words out OK mag will go ahead with the Britney story. I'm so happy! Please don't let it be fluffed. OK people have let more info slip about their time with Poontang. Besides living in dog poo and talking like a loon, she pees with the door open so everyone can get a look and...this is the weirdest...she can't stop feeling herself up, even during the interview. Touching her own boobies and vagina parts is a compulsion, it seems. Dang! She's so crazy, it's like she invented a new category of crazy. Don't ya love it?? I can't wait for the next interview where she'll be anally raping herself with an umberella, peeing herself, muttering made up cuss words and rolling in the dogs poo and smearing it in her rag hair. You know it's gonna happen.


Dirty Disher said...

Oh, I forgot, she kept some of the jewelry they brought for the photo shoot. No one told her she could have it, they kind of didn't know what to say when she just took it. It was valued at around 12 grand, but, they'll make it back with the interview. This should be a good one..if they have any balls at all.

Anonymous said...

all i can say is...wwhaaa?

Anonymous said...

I hope they have the balls to dish everything so maybe, just maybe, her fan club, which consist of a Ukrainian guy and 2 Brazilian guys will stop flooding blogs with stupid posts like; "You r jus gelus haters! And when the sexy sexy Britney make her combac you will all pee your pants in the publick and then kill yerself! Ha! I love u Britney!"
God I'm so sick of that deluded crap!
That being said, I can't wait for it to come out.


Anonymous said...

She stole their jewelry? What for? She won't wear it again, she won't even know where she put it or which house it's at! The dog will be wearing it! Thief!Thief!

Anonymous said...

Will someone please take that girl out of public.


Anonymous said...

Look at that poor little puppy.
He has lost all his happy :-(

Anonymous said...

Is she on X all the time?.