Monday, July 23, 2007

Britneys big interview with OK..not so okay

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I guess the Ok mag tell all with Poontang didn't go so well. First there's the photos, which may never be released (Ha! Everythings for sale in Hollywood,) because Poon refused the stylists and had her scroungy friends do her up. OK's people said she looked so bad the pics were beyond photoshop. THEN, there was her bizarre behavior. She went in the bathroom every five minutes, emerging with a different mood every time. Once, her eyes rolled back in her head and the photogs wondered if she'd died on the spot. Her speach was nearly incoherent, and nothing she said made sense and at one point she was convinced the ceiling was about to cave in on her head.

To put the icing on the crazy cake, she ordered take out fried chicken and used her Gucci dress as a napkin, slopping grease all over it. Then her dog took a dump on the floor right in front of everyone and Brit quickly scooped up the mess with a Chanel dress. Everyone was shocked shitless at her behavior, but, I don't know why. She did the same thing to Matt Lauer during the famous interview right before JJ was born. Matt and his crew thought they had the wrong day, because when they showed up she looked like a pregnant bag lady. I sure hope Ok goes with the flow. There's nothing like a loony psycho Poontang to spiff up the week.


Anonymous said...

Dish go check out Mindy McCready mugshot arrested this time for fighting with her own mother. Britneys future.

Anonymous said...

i know for quite a while it's been amusing to many to watch britney unravel. she seriousy acts like someone with bipolar disorder. i hope she figures it all out soon and just settles the fuck down and acts like a mom to her kids.

quit the smoking brit. quit the drugs. quit trying to 'come back'. quit showing all your pink parts to the paparazzi... those of us that once liked you are now shaking our heads in dismay. when your 'in the zone' cd came out, there wasn't a MAC counter anywhere that wasn't blasting that shit and riding the britney hotness wave... so sad...

Anonymous said...

that train is gonna wreak real soon.

Unknown said...

Hindsight being 20/20, if her emotional and mental growth had kept up with her physical growth, she might have entered a true adulthood.
Some people can't handle success and start believing that they are truly superhuman.
"After all," they tell themselves, "I'm different. I'm better. My success proves that I'm incapable of making mistakes. Anything I do is right, just because I'm the one who's doing it."
She split with reality shortly before she married that dude in Vegas.
...for a few hours!
It's hard to pull up from a death spiral.
It's such a shame.
It's hard to watch.
She probably thinks she knows more than those around her, so she doesn't have to listen to them.
...also, it's hard to listen with your mouth open.
She needs to accept the fact that she is older and no longer "Baby Jane".
Whoever the actress that portrays her in a future biopic will probably get a nomination.
If she would accept her lack of diva status and concentrate on some serious work, she might come back proper.

Anonymous said...

she is passed the by-polar....this is now serious drug use....this is ashame....someone needs to do something before she hurts one or both of those kids...she is past hurting herself...she doesn't care.

Anonymous said...

I don't know- or frankly, care- if she has bi-polar disease or has drugged herself into psychosis. At this point she is a danger to herself and her children. It is beyond belief that California's child protection services allows those babes to be in her care. Someone needs to grow a spine and protect the kids. Let Brit self destruct... it's going to happen because Brit has the insight of a cheeto.

Anonymous said...

I was going to call her a pig..but pigs are actually smart and clean.

She has serious problems and I agree with the poster who said that she shouldn't get those kids. She's a danger to them and herself.


Anonymous said...

You can tell by her appearance that she doesn't care about herself! And if she has no self worth how can she care about her two children? Sad very very sad.

Anonymous said...

K-Feds gonna get full custody of those babies & I hope it's very soon. He has surprisingly behaved like an adult thru this whole thing & kept a very low profile. Smart guy. He & the G'ma have to save the babies. Would somebody please take away her checkbook??? She's going to be another broke-a** MC Hammer if somebody doesn't stop her NOW!

Anonymous said...

This crazy worthless bitch is on drugs, she should be drug tested or will she shave her head again. She is unable to take care of her crazy worthless ass little alone her two sons.

J said...

Seriously, how the fuck does she still have her kids? If there is a shred of truth in this then OK! has a serious obligation to contact child protective services themselves. If she is actually this incoherent and dillusional then there is no way in hell she should be anywhere near those babies.

I agree that this isn't even funny to watch anymore. It's just sick.

Anonymous said...

Everyone on this website needs to stop bashing Brtiney. She's doing the best she can and she will make it through this...anyways, she's still richer and prettier than all of you....jealous ass holes, leave her alone.

Anonymous said...

damn i love britney she was on top of the world at one point then she got pregnant and went down hill i just hope she bounces back before it's to late because the thing's i've been hearing and seeing this poor girl is loosing her mind and as far as her smoking leave her ass alone she is obviously stressed let her have her smokes. but damn britney i wish u nothing but the best mami i hope you get your shit together much love