Friday, July 20, 2007

Flip flop BURN

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I got this off Jezebel (Can't say enough good things about that it) and it's about this chick, Kerry, who bought some cheapo flip flops at Wal-Mart and they had some chemical in them which burned her feet. Some people are saying it's a hoax, but, I believe her because I bought some necklaces there and they had the same kinna shit in them. They were cabachons on this rubber string material. I though, cute! And bought one for me and one each for my girls. By the time I got them home and opened the bag they smelled just like chemical/gasoline. The smell was so strong, if I'd been smoking I'd probably be in a burn unit about now. I took them directly to the dumpster. Make fun all you want, if you say you've never picked up cheapo flip flops or fun junk jewelry at Wally World, you are either Posh Spice or a liar. Anyhow, Wal-Mart told Kerry to go complain to the manufacturer in CHINA. Nice. My smelly jewelry was made in China too. If you wanna read the whole story, click HERE.


Anonymous said...

Its not even for sure, she could have caused that herself to get money from WM. Kind of like the finger in the chilly bowl incident.

Why you have to smear wm name in the dirt?

AND why didnt you just return the junk you bought to get a refund instead of throwing it away like you did, dumbass for throwing away your hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Anon - did you not see that she said she shops at Wal*Mart? Anyway I was about to go on a tirade about how DD shouldn't shop there anymore. Do you fucking work for Wal*Mart? Why so emotionally invested? Does a company that tries to keep Chinese labor wages low, discriminate against women, force workers to go on Medicade and tax payers to bear the burden of their workers' health care, hire illegal aliens, carry shitty shitty SHITTY products, (etc) just leave you all warm and fuzzy inside? You're a god damn sheep. Anyway DD, what did that purchase set you back? Four whole dollars probably? Shame on you for being *such* a moron by not reclaiming that whopping few dollars.

Anonymous said...

China disposes of hazardous waste by putting it in all the cheap plastic crap they send to US- and WalMart has a dumbass demographic that can't see the big picture. Don't support the greedy bastards!!!!

Dirty Disher said...

I don't live near a Wal_Mart, anon. Not even in the same town. Get it now?

Anonymous said...

Fuck the retard DD. They are not smart enough to understand the cost of gas. They know working at walmart is the best they can do.

Anonymous said...

I like it when you write about shitty products..

Anonymous said...

wow that is just awful that could happen - poor girl.


Anonymous said...

wal mart is by far the worst corporate american company and has some of the nastiest human rights violations under their belt...and i will never never never never shop there...i will refuse to give buisness to such an unethical and immoral company
ummm, your fucking feet are burnt to a crisp, that shit did not happen in five minutes..what kinda moron continues to wear shoes that are searing lesions into their skin - i mean don't tell me she did not feel that.
and, what the fuck do you think you're getting for 2 bucks - obvs not quality.
this retard should get absolutely NO compensation what so ever

Anonymous said...

OUCH! That's it, I'm not buying flipflops at Walmart!

Anonymous said...

hey dd, there are 14 walmarts where i live, and i still knew why you threw the shit out. cuz it was shit. heh. and doesnt amy remind you of an old asshole chatter we both know? [points at self] her rant is reminiscent of me, oh, say, 5 years ago...
and, regardless of who is stupid, those feet are fucked up.
there have been alot of strong comments and discussion lately about the quality of manufactured goods coming from china. americans have long been a consumer whore to the flood of cheaply manufactured chinese goods that we can find on any shelf in any store in our country. im wondering how how this is going to affect american foreign affairs and the ongoing war on terror? wow, holy shit, and china has nukes too. why cant dd build a factory in rural midwest america where she lives and produce chep flip flops and sell them to walmart? i think that would solve the problem, espescially if she could hire legal immigrants. we need more than a fence, we need an office and more clerks to process immigrants. if there are jobs, let them come, and pay taxes like everybody else. id run a factory and make flipflops. hell, i could design the line to run pretty much automatic, and hire loaders. maybe 5 employees. its called capitalism and democracy people. where the hell was i going with this again? where did i put sean baker....

Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart = "Uncle Dad","Aunt-sister" , 2 headed inbreds. Just don't go there! P-U!

Anonymous said...

hey whatev... you tellin everyone here that you have never done a dumb thing in your life??? what she gonna do?? walk barefoot home from wherever she is.. piss off!! you are totally ignoring the idea behind this post.. a terrible thing happened to a person who bought a item at wal mart.. and DD is tryin to get this to others so it doesnt happen again or if it has make this poor girl's case stronger... geezus christ!!!! have a fuckin heart

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I just had to return a pair of beaded bracelets to WW because of the itch factor. And I am not ashamed to say I've bought there even after that experience because they'll take ANYthing back with a full refund. You get what you pay for!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I cannot believe how many ueducated people post information they know absolutely nothing about. These are chemical burns and if you have a medical backround at all, you would know that it takes minutes for a chemical reaction to occur. She did not have to wear these flip flops for long, for a chemical burn to show up. It's ludicrous to think anyone would do this on purpose. Chemical burns are extremely painful! I do agree that she should have kept the flip flops, so that they could have tested them to see if it was actually the flip flops that caused the burn. Throwing them out will make her case harder to proove.