Thursday, July 26, 2007

Is Lindsay Lohan broke?

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What's a drug dealer to do when someone skips out on their front? If they're a celeb you write a tell all book about them, of course. That's what one of Lindsay Lohans drug dealers plans to do, according to "her friends." According to these same loser users, Lohan owes 30 grand in unpaid drug debts. They say Lindsay is broke and Dina is flipping out because the big bucks are gone. I believe this story has merit because Lohan is the true party queen. She's the real deal, not some dancing on tables and occasionally snorting someone elses stash chickypoo, like ParAss. The Blow is hard core. She reportedly spent about 5 grand a week on drugs. I think that's a low estimate. Lohan tried to cut a deal with the paparazzi a week before her last DUI, offering special photos for 30 grand cash. This caused speculation that her funds had been cut off and she needed up front cash. I think she just doesn't have much left.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but, wasn't Herbie the last big studio film she did? That's the last of the big bucks. The rest of her work has been independant films and she can't have been paid millions like she was when she was a cute kid. I think the bitch is broke. Yeah, broke to Lohan is a bit different than broke to you and me..but, I think Dina is freaking about now. Skanky mom will have to get a job soon to afford her own stash. Bummer.

Now she's said to be uninsurable, which means her career is least for now. Maybe she can sell those naked pics Calum took of her.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering how she was able to afford to just leave 20k in clothes lying around when she's much nothing in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Dirty you are so right she be $elling nakkid pics of herself or a porn tape real soon

Anonymous said...

I just saw on the Today show that TMZ interviewed the 3 guys that were in the SUV with her when she got arrested.

Their story is different from what she is saying happened.

They are saying she was driving!And that she told the cops that she can't get in trouble she is a celebrity~

Drugs will make you stupid! And she definitely is STUPID!

Anonymous said...

go watch the interview on tmz!!!

bitch is nuts!

Anonymous said...

I just hope parents are paying attention , celebrity or not !

There really should be an IQ test , credit check & license to have children .

Just look at most kids & twenty something year olds today ( shaking head ) if this continues ... we are effed as a country .

Unknown said...

There's no reason for Dina to freak out...doesn't she have two other kids to pimp out now?

Anonymous said...

Not sure how much her latest film brought in, but wasn't after Herbie she in Georgia Rules with Jane Fonda, although I beleive that was a flop, but she must have gotten some $ for that.

Serves her right and I wouldn't doubt if she is broke.
