Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jamie Lynn Spears..worst rumor of the week

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The National Enquirer has promised that a story on Jamie Lynn will be breaking soon announcing her pregnancy. JL is 16 years old, her boy friend, Casey Aldridge is 19. I really hope this one isn't true, but, she IS Britneys sister, so who knows?


Anonymous said...

The Spears family are so disgustingly fertile.

crystal said...

well won't that be great for the world - NOT.

Anonymous said...

OMG ! If it's true .... You can't make this ( trailer park ) shit up !! LOL ! LOL !

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Mrs. Spears if this is true.

Unknown said...

Sorry for Mrs. Spears? You have to be kidding me!?! She's the reason her kids are so fucked up. Britney had access to way too much money way too soon. She should have gotten an education. Who do you think drove her ass up to NY and down to Orlando for Mickey Mouse crap? Mama Spears.

Anonymous said...

16 is the ideal and usual age for Lousiana trailor park trash to become pregnant.

No surprise here. It is all natural.

The Alli-pervert

Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago Jamie Lynn and the boyfriend were apartment hunting. At the time, I wanted to believe she was just tagging along while *he* checked out prospective apartments.
However, in light of the latest rumors I would say the pieces fit.
She's preggerrrs...

Anonymous said...

Lord help us if she is! Man, poor kid.

Anonymous said...

Surprise, Surprise! Turns out the big story National Enquirer cover story concluded with her NOT being pregnant! The entire full-page (11) piece made it appear that she was undoubtedly pregnant-- but right at the end came the following;

Here's the final quote: "At the end of July came another big surprise. Jamie Lynn told Britney she was not pregnant." "This whole pregnancy scare has really stressed out Lynne," an insider said. "She worries there's a disaster in the making."

In the MAKING? The whole family's become a disaster!


Anonymous said...

like sister like sister great role model