Some of the "funny" websites have been doing cartoon Britneys. I just don't know what they can add. She's as bad as it gets in real. All the skanks in Hollywood need to learn to make coffee. Seriously..they have millions of damn dollars and can't make a cup of damn coffee. Britney's always running out for coffee looking like warmed over dog shit. BUY A COFFEE MAKER, YOU DUMB BROAD. How freekin' hard is that??
Looks like she forgot to wipe the jizz off of the side of her face.
OK...send me to the corner now.
she is the female pete i must go vomit.
she is 25 that's 50 in trailer park years.
She's gonna run out of cash and become a casualty of stupidity.
How many cameras were broken taking it's picture ?!
no one can leave the house looking like that and not get caught!!!!she doesn't care how she looks ever!
Nasty, greasy: does this skank ever bathe?
To think *I* thought she was cute once upon a time.
Crash & burn! She is gonna wake up someday and it will be too late...
spooge...the ultimate moisturizer...and best way to get free coffee :)
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