Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lindsay getting medical help?

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The Polaroid Beach House is the house that product placement built. From the towels you dry with to the sunglasses you shade with and everything in between, it is basically living inside a commercial where everything is on the house, as long as you are willing to stand by it, sit on it or hold it up. It is free for celebrities and it is expected you will throw large celeb parties there and the paparazzi are always informed. For Lindsay Lohan it was more than free. It was like an exclusive boutique where everything was at her fingertips and every wish, no matter how outlandish, was granted.

Lindsay has been a star since she was a child, which means her family has been well off for many years. I am quite tired of the "they lived in a sharecroppers cabin" stories or whatever nonsense Dina tells the media. They've been nouveau rich long enough to lose sight of any common sense they may have once possesed. Did Dina say to her daughter "Honey, you just got out of rehab, maybe living in a party house is a bad idea right now, even if it's free." No, instead Dina decks herself out and joins the party, smiling for the cameras. The stash is in her pocket too. Lindsay's father retaliates by selling his constant preaching to whatever rag will buy him a new satin tie. His main reason for living is to beat his wayward daughter with the bible until she gets a lobotomy and surrenders and he becomes the hero. And reaps his reward, his own reality show.

Far be it for me to write a poignant post, or to think anyone would read it if I did. But, I am not without compassion. However, any compassion I felt for any of these particular people has been squelched by the sheer stupidity of their actions. Ms. Lohan is twenty one now, far too old to be this ignorant and to care so little about who else may be riding on the same roads she careens down trying to make her drunken point.

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From the Polaroid Paradise to the Betty Ford center, Lindsay will never get clean, never tell the truth and never give thought to the safety of anyone else. Lindsay Lohan faces up to six years in prison. Any judge who shows her an ounce of compassion is most likely sentancing her or someone innocent to a death sentance. What will it be? Hollywoods history is full of sad stories, lost fortunes, broken dreams and those who simply fade into it's gilded woodwork, almost unnoticed. Mostly it's filled with the memories of people who had incredible opportunities and couldn't handle them.

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Face it, Lindsay Lohan, you are just not needed anymore. Maybe you never were.

(photo by saxbiker)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking a shot at the mother. She's responsible for a lot of Lilos behavior, I don't care if she's 21 or 61. Doesn't anyone REALLY love this girl? Do people REALLY care that much abt money & fame? users.

Anonymous said...

Her mother is no better than her. Her mother is pure white trash that has done nothing but lived off her daughter. my other thing is, not that i am defending paris hilton, but if paris did time in jail for less then lindsey should do time. how many more accidents can this girl cause and how many more times can drugs be found on her. The sad part is she was a role model at one time for disney, what are the future disney starts in for?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amen...sista', Amen!!

Anonymous said...

She's not in jail because she hasn't had a court date yet and she has posted bail. Her court date for the first the first infraction isn't until August; oddly the same day as she got for the second one. Her day just hasn't arrived yet. And you cannot keep someone in jail if they post bond. Nicole Ritchie is in the same situation.


Anonymous said...

Disney is the biggest child pimp there is. They have no respect for the innocence of childhood, they exploit it for billions, with no opportunity lost.
No wonder their child stars turn out so fucked up - Disney is guilty along with the parents and the other stupid, selfish adults who pretend these films are rendering a healthy service to children.

Anonymous said...

Everyone wants to be Rich! But look what happens when someone has so much money. Yes she is young but look how her mother has acted!

They all need to be admitted!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think she will do time in jail, and should a lot of time. She has not taken the crime she has done seriously. I dont feel sorry for her she just got out of rehab. I say her career is over for sure. I never thought she was talented any way. Prison is better than death or her killing somebody else with her reckless life.

Anonymous said...

Brandy Norwood actually did kill somebody on the freeway, maybe she wasn't on drugs or drunk but it has definitely hurt her career, she lost her job on America's Got Talent & she's not even gonna do jail time. She's gone! Producers & advertisers do not want to be associated with ppl who bring a bad vibe, audiences want to be entertained not dragged thru others mud. Linds in jail = unemployment, altho I did read that she is still "on" for that stupid tango movie! Who are these idiots??? BOYCOTT LOHAN!! Her entire family needs to just GO AWAY! Please. Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna sound like an idiot but what the heck does BBABH mean?

Anonymous said...

well written...