Tuesday, July 24, 2007

LIndsay Lohan arrested again...

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The Blow was pulled over early this morning, after a car chase, and tested drunk as a skunk and had cocaine in her pocket. Her assistant knew she was acting crazy and quit, calling her mother to come pick her up. When the assistant got into her moms car, Lindsay jumped in her car and took off after them. They called the cops and headed to the police station, and Lohan was arrested. Yep, it takes a real brain to drive drunk and have coke in your pocket and deliberately head to the cop shop. She's out on bail right now.

Why is this surprising? I told you all along she wasn't sober and that stupid monitoring bracelet was for show. Now she has TWO different charges to face on Aug 24th along with the other DUI where she killed some trees with her reckless driving. I just got up, some people should keep their britches on because it's always the same thing with Lohan. I could just get up, grab a cuppa and type "Lohan busted again" every friggin' morning. It's like Groundhog Day at this point.

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Nice mugshot, bitch, where's your bikini? Paris Hilton is laughing her ass off right now.


Anonymous said...

I was more interested in the 50 grand bet that stupid skank made with her friends about David Beckham. Drugs and booze cause people to say a lot of stupid shit to "friends" that they believe, in their foggy minds, will never be repeated to the wrong parties. That made her look like more of a delusional idiot than getting busted...again...
I thought you were simply ignoring the obvious...)))))


Anonymous said...

looks like Linds lost the bet

Anonymous said...

I missed the whole "Becks Bet" thing. Whats up with that? Did she bet that she'd bed him? As if! What??? She's a loser on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Blohan!
Hot lesbos waiting for you in jail!

Anonymous said...

why does she continue to get work in movies? she should have her SAG card revoked and studios should refuse to work with her. if i was a raving drunk/druggie and got in as much trouble as she has, my employer would force me to take a leave of absence until my issues were cleaned up. or they'd straight up fire my ass. why are hollywood starlets afforded such special treatment?! losers!

Anonymous said...

She needs help and obviously not from her friends and family!

All this partying is making her look so old!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been wondering the same thing. Does anyone have an answer?


Oh yeah, she bet her friends 50 grand she would sleep with Becks. Delusional.

Anonymous said...

What a mugshot... I'm surprised she didn't flash the peace sign or BLO 'em one of her trademark kisses!

And now she's going back to rehab... and this time it's gonna take. Riiiight.

Call me a cynic, but the only reason her ass is going back to rehab is because her hot-shot attorney insisted on it. (undoubtedly it was the same reason last time)

It's not about Lindsay getting well... it never was. Her time at Wonderland was a complete joke, and Promises wasn't much better. By her own admission she had her cellphone and blackberry, opted out of critical elements of the program, waltzed around the facility NUDE to tantalize the male staff and patients and came and went as she pleased.

Ever notice how every time a celeb is busted for DUI or something similar they head to "rehab" within 24 hours? Getting back into treatment asap is essential to illustrate to the court their "committment to sobriety." The fact is that "rehab" after DUI is 100% legal strategy- nothing more.

It's sad, but more of these Lindsay relapses are a relative certainty. Until she becomes unemployable in the industry (and she may be there), otherwise broke and hitting rock bottom-- this self-destructive behavior will most certainly continue.

Anonymous said...

The Blow really knows how to upstage Paris.

Anonymous said...

Next stop death and she sure looks like it. More money than brains.

Anonymous said...

Her next show will be a reality show where we will find her on Hollywood and Vine selling herself for 2 bucks and some booze or blow.
