Friday, July 20, 2007

Lindsay Lohan booked..

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The Blow quietly turned herself in yesterday to be "officially arrested" for her May DUI. She was held an hour and released on her own recog with 30 grand bail. She will return to court August 24th. Yeah, and then her lawyers will get a continuance and on and on until we all puke from this never ending saga. Bitch looks 47, hard to believe she just turned 21. She'll be 93 by the time this all ends. If she lives. Maybe she can get knocked up like Nicole Richie and get some sympathy? At any rate, ParAss did the hot jail time she wins.


Anonymous said...

"Lindsay Lohan booked" - a phrase we, and she, might as well all get used to.

Anonymous said...

She has been aging quickly & she has huge legs & a** like Britney only with jillions of orange speckles!She's a nasty ho-bag,useless & old news. Her voice sounds like a ninety year old hag from all the smokes. When did u last pay to see a movie she was in? Hmm? Been a while huh? Yeah...thot so

Anonymous said...

blow is facing more serious stuff than Paris.
she's going down, even after the continuances.
you know? these bitches all have drivers! Stupid is as stupid does

Anonymous said...

she is looking really old - I think her days are numbered for her to be a "star".
