Friday, July 27, 2007

Paris Hilton smoke break...

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Here's a subject you won't see often. ParAss puffing on a cig. Oh, yeah, she'll smoke dope all day long and deny it on Larry King, but, she hates being caught smoking cigs. She thinks the habit doesn't fit her image. She clearly has no idea what her image is. How would YOU describe her image, if she asked you?


Anonymous said...

I would tell her to forget shopping for pets and shop for some morals. Though she'd probably have to look that word up in the dictionary..or get her assistants to do it.


J said...

What a glamourous locale.

Anonymous said...

Out by the trash never the less.

Anonymous said...

that is not paris hilton!!

Miss Tia said...

she's a stupid whore..

Dirty Disher said...

Sigh..yes it's Paris Hilton. There were several pics. I just liked her by the dumpster best.