Watch as Paula has a meltdown over a Bratz doll movie. "Where is God when you need him?" Boooo hoooo waaaa!
I don't know how to break this to you, Paula... but GOD is far too busy to comfort you simply because you've lost one of your multitudinous "projects"... How melodramatic, self-involved and flat-out delusional can she be?!
I don't know how to break this to you, Paula... but GOD is far too busy to comfort you simply because you've lost one of your multitudinous "projects"...
How melodramatic, self-involved and flat-out delusional can she be?!
the girrrhls in the other room tried to hush their gigglin! were they friends of Paulabrat?
This woman is a crazy freak.
She is such a drama queen! Who gives a shit Paula! Why don't you try and help some of the less fortunate and quit your whinning!
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