Friday, July 27, 2007

Sean Preston gets beaten up?

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This is so crazy it's hard to sort out, but, a hard shove from a pap aimed at Britney Spears's body guard, Julio Camera, accidentally hit Sean Preston instead. A fight broke out with Camera kicking some pap ass. The pap was from Flynet (excuse me while I LMFAO!) The pap is claiming Julio hit him and forced him to slam into the child. Whichever story is true, Sean Preston was the one who was hurt.

Spears has filed an allegation of battery on behalf of Sean Preston against photographer Kyle Henderson, from Flynet. The Vegas resort asked Spears and her party to leave. Some resort..why does the floor look like pork chops?

Britney's in Vegas right now, breaking a legal custody agreement with K-Fed and he's pissed. She also fired her new slave assistant, Shannon Funk, blaming a lot of her troubles on the new girl.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket's all her fault!


Anonymous said...

I fear for those babies.

Anonymous said...

for pete's sake, will someone take those fucking kids off of her already...

Anonymous said...

for pete's sake, will someone take those fucking kids off of her already...

Dirty Disher said...

She's fucked up. Who the hell takes their toddlers to the Vegas strip anyhow? And with no nanny. You know she didn't go there to be sober and have mommy time so what's in her crazy head? I feel really bad for SP..he took a punch like a real man, and he shouldn't have to even be in that situation.

Anonymous said...

what kind of life is that for two little boys....they always seem like they are in adult situations....poor babies.

i agree that she wasn't going to vegas to take the kids to do something fun!!!


Anonymous said...

Vegas is what 109 degrees or something like - yeah just the place for toddlers but we know Britney really looks after her kids and shelters them from the heat so no harm ehe?

Kevin needs to stop being pissed off, stop trying to be the nice guy here and just take the kids and look after them. Britney is going to end up killing those kids - but hey, won't be her fault cuz they won't be in her custody - perhaps the nanny or bodyguard or cousin or someone else who ould be looking after the kids.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree that enough is enough. Britney's been slaughtered in the press lately, has obviously broken the custody agreement... (which she did last month as well with the trip to Hawaii)and now SP's been injured in a press-related altercation-- so... what gives?! I thought it was a 50/50 arrangement? When the HELL is Kevin ((or CPS!!!)) going to step in?

RE: the issue of the babies being dragged to Vegas; I'm a SoCal local who spends waaay too much time in Vegas and this never fails to capture my attention. In the 90's, Vegas Board of Tourism made great efforts to become more "family-friendly"-- encouraging parents to bring children-- which in my opinion NEVER should have happened-- but bottom line, it was a bad idea and fortunately they eventually came to realize it. With the turn of the century, Vegas has returned to it's adult-oriented entertainment roots.

Yet loads of people have yet to get the memo. You wouldn't believe how many idiotic people I see carrying and/or carting INFANTS around at all hours of the day and night.

I've seen small sleep-deprived children out at 2 and 3 ayem. It's sickening, and speaks volumes towards the upbringing of those poor kids.

It's no surprise in the least that Britney would drag those babies out there... just typical Brit.