The Simple Life has been cancelled. Didn't we all see that happening? With ParAss fresh out of jail and Nicole preggers wtf else could they do? The show was never that funny anyway, it was more shocking. Shocking how dumb ParAss was and shocking how crazy Nicole was. Here's a few things Paris Hilton has actually said..
"Last night, we were at the party for Elite Models, and there were no cabs on 42nd Street, so we walked. Every single person, even those 80 years old, were surrounding us and taking pictures. We stood there for literally an hour. It was really annoying."
"I hate the taste of alcohol, when I'm drinking, I'm drinking Red Bull."
"I'm so smart now, everyone is always like, 'Take your top off.' Sorry, no! They always want to get that money shot. I'm not stupid."
"I want to have kids in the next two or three years. I just haven't found the right person. I can't wait to have a little daughter and dress her up."
"I don't want to go out, I don't want to party...I'm thinking about changes I need to make to my life."
"I think the biggest misconception about me is that I'm this spoiled brat. But I'm not. I'm, like, the total opposite."
"People love to hate us. But when you know us, you love us."
"All right, so I was out on Saturday. This girl looks at my boyfriend. She's like, 'Oh, are you a soccer player?' because he had a soccer shirt on. It pissed me off. I'm like, 'Get the hell away from him.' I pushed her and she fell on her ass on the floor. She sat there crying. She kept coming back like, 'I'm so sorry.' She kept trying to apologise. I'm like, 'Get away from me. Talk to the hand.' She was so desperate."
"I love Courtney Love, but I wouldn't let anyone spank me. The only person who could spank me is my boyfriend. Jason can spank me."
"Fake boobs are disgusting. I would never do it. It's so gross. Girls who are insecure and not pretty get fake boobs because they want guys to look. When you have a beautiful face, you don't need it. They don't feel good. We're classy broads." (Note: ParAss DID have implants and took them out.)
"I once won $6,000 in Vegas. I bought two ferrets, a mini tiger and a goat I named Billy. My room-mates let the tiger go because it kept pissing and crying."
"We were dancing but I never kissed her. We're just friends. Besides, I was with my boyfriend the whole time."
"I don't want to be known as the granddaughter of the Hiltons. I want to be known as Paris."
"I went to Wal-Mart for the first time. I always thought they sold wallpaper. I didn't realize it has everything. You can get anything you want there for really, really cheap."
"If you have a beautiful face you don't need big fake boobs to get anyone's attention."
"I don't get it. We're not dead. I don't know why they're doing this." - Paris Hilton when she heard that E! True Hollywood Story was going to be about her and her sister Nicky.
"No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy. It doesn't matter what size you are, what color, whatever, what color hair you have, eyes, like if you have confidence, and you're a nice person and sweet, and you're funny, I think that's sexy."
"I'm like a real life Barbie, without boobs. I've never felt so flat in my life." - when meeting Pamela Anderson.
Don't you love how that stupid twat disses the Waltons?!?! I am no Walmart fan, but come on; 5 out of the top ten richest people on the Forbes 400 are Waltons and there's not a Hilton in sight. She thought Walmart sold wall paper, yeah right, and I always thought all the rooms at the Hilton were rent by the hour.
someone needs to tape her mouth shut!
who told her she was that beautiful?
Fake blue contacts are for ugly people that don't have naturally blue eyes. Eyelid surgery is for...
Nose surgery is for...
Oh forget it, I can't go on.
My personal fav is "My room-mates let the tiger go because it kept pissing and crying."
Yes, good plan, because tigers are native to Vegas and it will be fine.
Silly twat! "I would love to have a daughter so I could dress her up". Yes, ParAss, because daughters are like dollies, aren't they? And on her 10th birthday you can buy her a nose job! What fun!
"We had to let it go because it was pissing and crying" Ever heard the phrase 'animal cruelty'?
"Girls who are insecure and not pretty get boob jobs" That explains why you got some then, ParAss.
She thought Wal Mart sold wallpaper. My God, I almost fell off my chair laughing. She's right - she is a barbie. Brainless.
Sorry for ranting, it's just this animal-abusing (have you seen some of the clothes she puts on her poor little dogs?), selfish, photo-whore stupid racist bimbo really annoys me. I can't wait til someone assassinates her and steals her inheritance. Hell, maybe I'll do it :D
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