Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tom and Katie dancing

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Sources have let it slip, that at the big welcome Beckhams party Tom Cruise got stupid on the dance floor. Okay, here Katie looks like she's doing the chicken dance, but, hey, as long as you're having fun, who cares? But, Tom took it too far, creating a reenactment of his Risky Business days. He even got on the floor kicking his short legs in the air. You know all the guests were smiling and clapping to his face, but, dying of embarrassment behind his back. Nobody wants to see that crap.


Anonymous said...

he's two seconds away from the 'white man underbite'... tom, tom, tom. please stop embarrassing your wife!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I find Katie looks more like a stepford wife every day.

Him..well he's just nuts


Anonymous said...

eliza you're right on! i think tom ate her soul right out of her body (you know scientologists can do that, right?) and turned her into robo wife. so truly bizarre. she's now just another one of tom's minions.

Anonymous said...

He is an idiot!
She unfortunately is caught up in him being an idiot.
Someone needs to rescue her & their cute little girl.
Wonder what her parents think of him?

Dirty Disher said...

Her father hates him. Always has.

Anonymous said...

Are you kiddin' me? She doesn't want rescued! Maybe she actually cares for him, their baby is beautiful. I am on Katies dads side too but even he can't force her to leave the cult. so..w/e live & let live. Looks like a pretty good life to me! Lots of ppl stay in marriages for reasons other than true love ya' know? $$$

Anonymous said...

money or happiness?
because we all know money can't buy happiness!
the sad thing is people will live with unhappiness because they can't give up the $$$$ or live with less.

so her father sees thru old Tom huh?

Anonymous said...

I'm shocked that she's actually standing up while dancing...I thought surely Tommy'd make her dance around on her knees so he could be taller than her.


Anonymous said...

how bizarre