Kanye West…tells Complex magazine: “Only white people and older black people say ‘bling’ now. If a white person uses slang too early, then that makes them look like a wigger. But if black people use slang too late, then it makes them look like a wigger.”
Bling, I get..Kanye, I don't get. Never have. I don't use the word wigger because it's stupid. I wouldn't be caught dead in those retarded shoes either. Take your hip slang and shove it, KW, just learn to speak English and I'll be happy.
And the ACLU projects that only white ppl are racist !
Disher,I don't know what race you are, does it matter? I hate his car upholstery fabric shoes too! It also looks like a classic Chanel bag quilting. Is he gay or just black? Did he say he's a wigger too? I am so confused!& Don't care, at least hes got over the double pink popped collars by now! Or did he? Red Chanel hi-tops? He's flamin'. LOL! He probably found them on Canal Street!
I have never liked the arrogant self-congratualtory cahracter that is kanye.
its all gone to his head now....
snow boots from the 80's, from K-Mart?
Love his music and attitude but he ain't Ghandi. Watched him live and loved it. But what's with the bullshit he keeps saying. Somethimes I think he's a racist but I guess he just loves himself (and to hear himself speak) and believes only his opinions counts.
K-mart????!!!! LMAO!!!
Dont hate on Kanye bucause he's caked up (he has a lot of money).He is right when black slang goes mainstrem and whites utilize it it automatically becomes uncool for blacks to use the same terms. Kanye only speaks the truth and sometimes the truth hurts. BTW, love the shoes bro!!!!
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