Friday, August 24, 2007

Britney paid to party

Yeah, Poontang will be paid to party in Vegas on the 31st, but, guess who showed up at her house yestersay? The SPCA. They were investigating complaints about why her little Yorkie is crippled up. Brit wasn't home, but, this isn't over. The SPCA doesn't quit..and I'm glad. Oh, that DJ AM is everywhere, isn't he? He's such a little wanker. Maybe Britney will start dating him.


Anonymous said...

How is it they can make her hair look good for these ads, but she keeps running around with a mop on her head? Just wonderin'?

Anonymous said...

Thank God the SPCA is after Slutney's ass... 'bout time, too.

And don't even get me started on these damn pet stores that sell puppy-farm daily specials. With all the animal shelters over-flowing with strays, they shouldn't be selling them -period-!
Brit however, has an excuse... because she's an IDIOT. The store, on the other hand knows full well that there are criteria for placement of *ANY* animal...hell, even shelters make every attempt at giving animals the proper placement.

But extremely small "teacup" variety dogs/puppies have a slew of special needs re: diet and routine and above all else should NEVER be placed in homes with toddlers or small children!!!

'Bel Air Pets' should be brought up on charges just for selling that dog to a world reknown psycho.


Anonymous said...

Love the outdated photo. =)