Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Britney smashes a parked car

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Poontang smashed into a parked car today and then yelled "I'm a brainiac!" Then she whines and pouts for the paps while inspecting her own car, never looks at the car she hit and leaves with no note, nothing. Yes, you are a brainiac, Britney..if brainiac means retarded whore.

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How long before someone tells her she's not cute anymore?


Anonymous said...

Right on DD. She is a collection of unwashed body parts. To call her a responsible person and a nurturing Mother would be a falsehood.

Anonymous said...

What about leaving the accident without anything, shouldnt she get a ticket????? Her hair looks horrible still. Dumb bitch.

Anonymous said...

Could she be any more stupid if you paid her? She must eat 'stupid' for breakfast. All she does is make mistakes & cause problems. She needs to be put away so she can't harm anyone or possibly kill someone. Take her license!!! & burn the nasty wigs. She's a pathetic rag now. GO AWAY! K-Fed has to be loving all this sh**!!! He's gonna get those boys.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope Kfed gets the boys, but what is taking so long, Britney makes no secret of what a low life mother she is. Is all the money she has keeping those boys life is serious danger??????

Anonymous said...

Please someone tell her she looks like shit in those wigs she keeps wearing....she is a joke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why is she driving?
she should have a driver.
then you don't have to worry about the camera toting F**k's!

Anonymous said...

She called the paps before she left the house and told them where she was going and what she was doing, she cant live without them or should would move, She is sooooooo over.

Anonymous said...

You're right 12:07! All the crazy starlets should have chapz! WE would be safer!!

Anonymous said...

1:30 is DEAD ON. It's common knowledge that she alerts the paps to her every move. She lives for the spotlight and now that her career is nowheresville, she has nothing else but to create as much chaos and controversy as possible.

Remember the dip in the ocean in her underwear? Her assistant at the time even told Perez they called the paps in advance of that little stunt.

I don't feel a scintillae of sympathy for her issues with paparazzi. Or for any of her self-made drama for that matter.


barbi long said...

All I can think about when I see her is a collection of irritated razorbumps on that bald prune she calls a vagina! She sailed past disgusting and hit repulsive about 2 years ago!!