Friday, August 3, 2007

Britney Spears isn't the only cheap ass crappy tipper

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Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes pissed off their waitress at the Mondrian Hotel’s Asia de Cuba, in LA. The two best friends lunched there and left no tip. Not one thin dime. Where do you suppose these women get the idea that someone wants to wait on them hand and foot for nothing? Don't they understand how real life works? There's just no excuse for such behavior. They need to be smacked upside their expensive hair cuts and told that not everyone in the world is on their husbands payroll.

From the Bitter Waitress site, here's some more cheapskates..

Bruce Willis - $450.00 / $30.00
"The whole party was really rude"

Kirsten Dunst
$223.00 / $0.00
She smelled, badly. She wasn't even coherent. The guy she was with had to order for her. Bitches didn't leave a tip!

Rachel Ray - $10.00 / $1.05
"She is promoting a less than 20% tip on a show that millions of people watch. And she is a CHEF!! I can believe someone in the industry would ever tip less than 20%, which IS the norm these days. She's a straight beast.

Ricki Lake - $142.44 / $8.00
"Can you believe it , after the son ripped through the restaurant and scattered food everywhere. How rude, we tried to keep them happy at all times, feeding and kissing butt. And, that's the thanx we get. Offering a free desert too. Fame,who's the shame."

Bill Cosby - $375.00 / $3.00
"Eat your puddin' phlism-phlasm, bism basm, poppin, baaaaaah"


Anonymous said...

certainly doesn't make you like them even more now


Anonymous said...

They'll spend THOUSANDS on a fucking handbag, but can't leave a decent tip for someone who is working hard to please them....assfaces.


Anonymous said...

Listen to what you hear these people say. on MTV Cribs Kimberly Stewart said that she chose a silver Ferrari because Yellow is so "cheap and hungry". Political views and opinions about solutions to worls problems; yet they are completely disconnected with the workforce in America.

Anonymous said...

What the f*ck???? Cheap assholes, I could not imagine doing that if I spend $50.00 I tip better than these rich asswhips. I could not even go back to those places if I were sooooooooo cheap.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I go to a small diner for breakfast almost every Sunday. Our total bill has never been more than $14.00 - ever - and we leave (bare minimum) a $5.00-$7.00 tip b/c the women who run there asses off in the joint rarely see more than a $1.00 or .50 for a tip. That may seem extreme to some people, but I've been a waitress/server and I'll tell ya a table that doesn't tip is about the shittiest thing to happen to you, especially a big table on a busy night. Those people deserve there own private little ring of hell.

To me, it is reprehensible for people who make thousands of dollars a day for jobs that trained monkeys can (and do) perform treat the service sector with so little respect.
