Monday, August 13, 2007

Britney wants to hang with Paris Hilton

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Brit's hanging with cousin Ali again, which probably has something to do with the legal papers Kevin filed to make Ali testify in court about Brit's parenting skills. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer..right? But, Britney really wants to hang out with ParAss Hilton again. So far, ParAss hasn't returned any of her calls. ParAss hasn't changed a bit, but, she will avoid jail again. Britney's just too crazy. Not that ParAss is much better, but, at least she got tired of wearing matching clothes that look like they were constructed by a 6th grade home ec class.

Britney treated ParAss like crap and now she wants back in there. I just can't see it happening.


Anonymous said...

Britney needs friends may-be not Parass but someone to tell bitch the truth if it could help her stupid ass. I sure hope she loses custody of those boys, still thinks shes the life of the party. Shes on drugs......

Anonymous said...

Whatever Parass is, at least she is not insane.