Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Britneys bad mom headlines

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The rags are chock full of bad Britney stuff with headlines screaming "Help me" over pictures of her children. Reports include her eating tacos off the floor where the dog has crapped and the kids are crawling around, feeding the boys Doritos for lunch, fighting with and threatening to kill photographers on film, putting soda pop in baby bottles (and asking a dentist to whiten her toddlers teeth)..but, the only thing I need to see is this photo. I've known several moms who weren't bright enough to know you don't give babies junk food diets and soda in bottles..the kids lived through it, but, if you can't drive any better than this, you should not be in a car, and you should never put your kids in there with your suicidal ass. Who's sick of this behavior besides me?



Anonymous said...

very sick of it all. I tell ya, she is going to end up killing one of those kids of hers.


Anonymous said...

The kids have to be taken away from her. Now!

K-Fed might be a turd, but he is without doubt the better choice.

Hell, a pack of wolves would be a better choice than Britney.

And after the kids are save, put her into an insane asylum.

She is a danger for everybody living in the same country...

Anonymous said...


The above - from me: The Alli-pervert

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I feel so bad for those poor kids. I hope she gets help or someone does stop her before something bad (and unfixable) happens.

Anonymous said...

That's the thing, action isn't usually taken until something horrible happens. I wish people would stop "waiting". She's shown enough now to know that those kids should never be with her. She's a nutjob.


Anonymous said...

Where are child protective services????? This woman is an idoit, and does not deserve to be a mother. Its a shame that her bad behavior is overlooked and photographed daily.

Anonymous said...

Could she possibly be pulling out of a store or driveway and on the wrong side of the road coming across to get to the right side to head down the road? I'm not trying to be pro-Brit..IMO she's a total fucktard, but I think this is just a picture taken at an inopportune time and nothing that she's doing wrong.


Anonymous said...

This chick is TOAST!

Anonymous said...

yeah, she could be just pulling out, but she does so much other crazy shit that people like me are just looking for the next idiotic move.

I realize I am an ultra-paranoid mother, but I gotta tell you, if my kids were babies I would not be driving them around in a convertible. It would be bad enough having an accident with kids in the car, but I really hate seeing little kids in convertibles!!!

Anonymous said...

Had enough already ? Take the effing kids .... PUHALEEEZZZEEEE !!

Enough is Enough -

jill said...

I could never understand why she was trying so hard to get a husband, then kids as quickly as possible, then she treats them like stuffies - cute, senseless things without real needs. Maybe thats how she was treated by her parents.

Anonymous said...

did you notice - Britney was wearing a hat, but where is the little boy's hat, especially in a convertible for protection?

She never seems to consider protection of any kind for them, but then the best protection for THEM would be getting the hell away from her.
