Friday, August 3, 2007

Dumb skank of the week

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Star Jones revealing she DID have gastric bypass surgery is about as stupid as trying to eat an artichoke with a fork. This old rip looked better fat and the next surgery should be to tie her big flapping mouth shut. Who the hell bought her lies anyway? Self discipline my ass, she's never done a pilate in her life.


Anonymous said...

She looks like a turd-puddle that got up and started walking around.

Anonymous said...

It's Tara Reid getting liposculpting on her abs; now her midsection looks like oatmeal. It's Mariah carey doing the same. Countless celebutards keep getting surgical procedures that could have been remedied with sweat. Star Jones is just trying to be relevant any way she can. When she goes home to "strap it" with her "man", he sure appreciates how much easier it is to reach around now that she's samller though.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember her on the view when she said something to the effect of "im-happy-the-way-i-am-big-is-beautiful-nobodys-gonna-tell-me-abt-weightloss"? She couldn't even breathe then. Liar.

Anonymous said...

why can't people just tell the truth. who gives a shit if she had lippo???