Sunday, August 12, 2007

Jordan forgot her pants again

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Hey Katie Price, that's a shirt not a dress. What is it with these women who pop put a kid and 3 weeks later have to show their cootch? There's something wrong with her..she may have Britney disease.


Anonymous said...

British Brit.

Anonymous said...

Drunk again, what a success, Dumb turd.

Anonymous said...

Have babies, become a drunken snatch-showing skank? I must have missed something in my prenatal classes about that. That just never came up. Hmmm....

Anonymous said...

yeah but who cares
her legs look fantastic
none of that cellulite from real bitches that stay fat for the rest of thier lives after popping out a few kids

Anonymous said...

She's got celluite!!! believe me! They ALL do!! We all do! It has nothing to do with being fat, thin women even have that! No matter if they've had a kid or not.

Anonymous said...

she is fab!! A great mum and she looks amazing, so what if she is showing some leg, wish i could have done after ahving my kids.... Go Katie!!