Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lindsay Lohan drunk talk

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With The Blow in hiding, bloggers are stuck printing things her "friends" tell about her. Who am I to take the high road?..heh heh.

Things Lohans friends swear she said: “I’m the greatest actress in the world! No one’s even close to me right now!” And what did she have to say about her competition? Nothing nice at all. Here’s what she thinks about the other girls in Hollywood:

Scarlett Johansson is “ugly, fat, and has no talent.”

Jessica Simpson “can’t sing and is as dumb as shit.”

Sienna Miller is a “no-talent crackhead.”

Keira Knightly is a “flat, shallow, cardboard cutout of an actress.”

Jessica Biel is a “phony, scheming joke of an actress.”

Hmmm, so except for that first sentance, how is she wrong? Lohan should have been a blogger.


Anonymous said...

I disagree I think Scarlett is way prettier than Lindsay, Lindsay can look good but someone has to do a lot of work, Red headed and freckled, not a nice combo. Plus drug whore... I wish she would go away.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay has all the class of a sack of shit. She is obviously living in my ex-wife's universe;where everything revolvs around them.

Anonymous said...

HaHa- Jessica Biel "schemed" to get JT is what she is saying! To put others down is just another way to make yourself believe you are better. Somebody is very JEALOUS!

Anonymous said...

Jealous and immature, she has a lot to learn and a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Linds honey? Your last four movies tanked (in case you haven't been out from under your rock this week, "I Know Who Killed Me" brought in a whopping $3.5 mil opening weekend. Can you spell "Ishtar"?). Kinda makes you look like an even bigger moron than we all know you are when you go around making comments like these about actresses who actually still have viable careers. Loser scumbag.

Anonymous said...

Never seen a Lindsay Lohan movie. When "established" names want to work with, and/or be billed with her, I "might" look into it. Of all the lame actresses she compared herself to ,the only one that I have seen in any movie is Scar-Jo, "Girl With A Pearl Ear Ring. " She barely spoke, but had quite a presence.
She should aspire to Katharine Hepburn or Cate Blanchett, rather than "perceived" male fantasies. At this stage she is simply competing for sexual attention. If that is what she wants, she should look to Pamela Anderson (Or that Jenna person shopping her bio-movie around) for guidance in her movie career.


Anonymous said...

notice that everyone she insults is way hooter than her...hmmm jelous much