Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Nicole Richie tells Diane Sawyer...
She's 4 months gone. We all knew it, so this isn't news. So? She's going to be in jail for 3 whole days then in January she'll be a mom. Big deal. These two (Nicole and Joel) are in love, they have enough money to take care of a baby and they're old enough for the responsibility. I'll bet they surprise people by just growing up. Nicole may have been a wild child, but, she's already stopped doing things that might harm her baby. That's kind of a big deal if you ask me. She was always good with the kids on The Simple Life, even when they pooed on her. Well, there was that one little kid they lost, but, in all fairness that was mostly Paris and it WAS dark outside.
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Do you think she will let the baby eat? It's daddy's not skinny! Lets hope he will feed it. This is no joke, concerns me. She has a disease, well, several. It will be cute too. I'm glad she sounds like an adult now & is doing the right thing. They are a newish couple, I wonder if she ever thot of getting rid of it?
I know ! I am surprised she did abort it
Best of Luck Nicole :)
Ignore the self righteous fucks who claim to have NEVER fucked up !
You are adorable and you can handle this ~
i think we can count on one thing: this baby is going to be a little fashionista.
I hear rumors its a boy, she doesnt look pregnant, skin and bones. I wonder if she been sick with morning sickness????? I know she doesnt eat, but how can a baby grow in that body????????
There is a picture on D-listed showing both Christina & Nicole pre pregnancy , Christina is / was not that much bigger than Nicole .
Considering Nicole ( like Christina ) are only like 5' feet tall ... of course their weight should be around 100 pounds and Doctors recommend you only gain around twenty-five pounds for the baby .
It's not really rocket science .
From what I can see, I see a change in her since she has gotten pregnant and I think too she has grown up because of it.
Lots of people get very sick during the 1st 4 months of pregnacy and sometimes they have to go into the hospital for IV's and it is no fault of the mom. If you have had a baby and suffered from morning sickness or 24 hour sickness like me lol), you will understand it is sometimes out of your hands and that could Nicole's problem too why she might not have gained much.
Also some women don't start showing till they are in their 2nd or 3rd tri-mester. She looks heavier to me so it could be that she was really thin and has put on weight but still looks thin to us.
Most doctors don't want you to gain much at all at the beginning as later on is when the weight does come on faster. Remember your pregnant for 9 months - thats 36 weeks - you don't want to put on weight every week do you?
She could be putting on weight around her tummy but she is wearing a bit looser clothes now - there could be many reasons why it might not look to us why she isn't gaining but she could be putting on a few pounds.
It has said she is going to her doctor, so they must beleive she is eating and keeping the baby nutrients or else they would have to admit her and I am sure she would go.
I, myself only put on only 16 pounds and my baby was 8 pounds 2 oz - so you don't have to put on much weight to have a healthy baby.
OK thank you for letting me rant and rave about something I know lots about this time lol.
Don't you have to get periods in order to get pregnant? This little twat needs a baby like she needs another rectum!
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