Sunday, August 12, 2007

Paris wants anything Nicole has

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ParAss had a party at her Malibu beach house and kept carrying this little guy around like a purse. She let her dog lick his pacifier. I think she really does likes kids, she just doesn't have a clue what to do with them. If you watch The Simple Life, you know what I mean. There was the one they lost, the one who turded in the bathtub with ParAss, the baby hooker makeovers and that really bizarre episode where they were daycare workers and flagged down strangers to ferry the kids. I hope this kid's mom was nearby, no one should leave their kid with ParAss. Her dogs would be better babysitters. She'd totally lose your kid, but, they'd have really good hair extensions when you found them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she's probably mad she didnt think of having a baby first. Press has been relatively nice to Nicole and apparently holding a baby is like carring one in you for 9 months. I wouldnt be suprised if she started talking about adopting in the future.
