Friday, August 24, 2007

Ripped off again....

Yep. I bought something new and now I'm bitching. I love Stouffer's products, they're usually great. I stopped making my own lasagne when I found out Souffer's makes it just as good as my homemade and all I have to do is pop it in the micro. So when I saw they'd come out with "Corner Bistro Paninis" I had to try them.
My mistake. They promise toasty bread and give you a special little micro pan. Mine didn't have the grill marks, in fact, it had never been toasted. It was not soggy, but, just REALLY greasy white french bread, not toasty. Not real appealing. They also call this a whole sandwich, but, you have to put the halves together and it's really half a sandwich. It's small.
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The reality is sad. Souffers Bistro is a place I won't visit again. Oh, and the "delicious smoked peppers" were actually those hot assed halepenos and they're cheap so it was loaded with them. They are quite gross microwaved and hot as hell. If you're into a big messy blob of greasy bland cheese..go for it. At $3.50 for half a sandwich I'll just buy some lunch meat next time.
And, NO, I didn't eat this mess. Maddox's hot dog is looking pretty good right now.


Unknown said...

EW. For some reason I was never a fan of bread+cheese+microwave. Bad combo. Next time stick it in the conventional or the toaster oven, but with that experience, there wouldn't be a next time. That thing looks like something Greasy Bear and his Oily Brother would eat. I wouldn't even feed it to the coons or the possums.

Anonymous said...

How about going for some REAL food? Stuff that isn't processed and fake. Looks like you need it, your hair seems to be turning green and you are overweight. Maybe try an organic cruelty free diet, it will make you look and feel better and you will NEVER have to put the sort of shit your are talking about in your face again because the toxic free stuff tastes so much better.

Anonymous said...

Oh shit, sorry!! I thought I was addressing Perez Hilton, couldn't believe I was 2nd.... there are usually about 200 responses. I don't think you are fat with green hair but the rest stands.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I tried them too. They were pretty grose!

Jan said...

That last pic looks like something I saw in Walmart's parking lot last week. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Looks like stuff that Perez and Britney would fight over. With cannons.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL anon..I don't know if I should be upset or flattered that you got me and Perez mixed up. I DO eat pretty healthy most of the time, but, being single sometimes I just want something quick and easy. Seems like when I cook, leftovers stay leftover forever.

Anonymous said...

yikes! that second pic looks like regurgitated cat shit !!!

Anonymous said...

Oh know I have links to you both and I thought I had clicked onto Perez but I had opened your link instead. There is NO WAY I would mistake you for Perez. He is a self serving wanna be celebrity. And you are an intelligent critic of celebrity, there is no way you two could be confused. You are refreshing and down to earth Perez is a pain in the arse, just like all the other celebs. Just keep up the good work and EAT WELL!!!

Anonymous said...

It's fake phony food! Watya expect?? Looks very high in calories as well. Eat fresh crispy veggies for lunch, thats what I do. Loves it!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I tried a different brand of the toaster thingies but I had one that had like bruschetta and mozzarella. It might have been Healthy Choice. Anyway it turned out FANTASTICALLY. I was amazed, I expected the soppy grease mess you got but it toasted perfectly and was not greasy at all. Don't give up hope! Just try the Healthy Choice. It was pretty damn tasty.