The Beckhams are once again trying to sell us their scent. I don't remember what it's called, it doesn't matter because none of us are buying it anyway..are we? I just look at that photo which is supposed to be intimate and sexy and think..he's staring at the camera and she's picking at her stiff hair. I imagine this is what usually goes on in their bedroom. I think he's pretending she's someone else and she's pretending she's shopping. Whatever works for them.
chicken bone legs holy hell !!
he ALWAYS is looking at the camera in photo shoots, maybe it's supposed to be a sexually voyeuristic thing & HE knows we are watching & he is looking back at us...like they can make ppl get off on them, but guess what? WE AREN'T!!!
I havent smelled it, dont know what its like so i cant say.
Is it one of those unisex scents? Fresh but slightly masculine sort of thing?
God even sat back on her haunches her thighs are still thin!
Don'tcha know...she's scared of his cheating ways or she will lose him if she gets even a teensy bit bigger. She's totally paranoid about losing him to a skinny, young, gorgeous chicka. So, she maintains her skinniness quite nicely! Besides once you go by the name of "Posh" you kinda gotta keep it up! We all hate her! LOL!
good analogy of the photo DD. With all the money they have, you would think they would have proof read the pictures because I think they are missing the mark here.
he is too damn hot for her, she looks like a fucking warthog w/ that nose of hers & their kids are fugly as shit too
I think their both hot as heck, I'd like to get them both up the poopshoot!
Disher....I didn't write that total bullshit above this post...please delete it...and check the IP address of what I post....
Ok, I confess, I DID write it, but I really only meant David, not Victoria ;-)~
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