These two got to their hotel in France last weekend and must have felt like they didn't look thier best, so they entered through a side door, hid in a baggage lift and went to their suite and got all gussied up. Then they snuck out again, had the driver take them round the block and come back, where they made their grand entrance looking like this. I don't know what to make of it. Do they really care that much about the cameras and media? Yeah, I guess they do. But, really, they are Brad and Angie..why didn't they just stay in the damn room if they didn't want all the fuss?
O gawd...not another pic of him with his hand on her invisible ass!(code for 'we have sex...alot!!) These 2 need to go away. But with his new movies starting to come out, it's only just begun. I like him, hate her nasty,lying face. She should stay at home with her multitude of kids & let Brad shine alone.
Attention whores and they get more attention when they drag the whole gang of kids around.
anon 9:42
him with his hand on her invisible ass.
I noticed that in more than one photo ! can we say signature red carpet pose.
anon 9:50...OK, we can say that!
These two live for the spotlight and to protect their image. She's a home-wrecker with mental issues and a fabricated image. No good woman takes someones husband away from his home. Men are weak minded and can be manipulated by the liokes of that harpy.
I love the word harpy. Remind me to work that in somewhere. :)
Brad broke his marriage vows too.
They live a crazy lifestyle its kinda hard to take them serioulsy when they are touching ass's on red Carpet preimeres and then are photographed with refuges in Africa, Iraq New Orlean. How can you go from shallow to serious at the flick of jet flight?
theyre both assholes who need to go away and never come back
your momma said: I gotta go with you on that one! *well said!* Do they not think we see thru that all their BS? Adopting foreign babies doesn't make you a "saint", like Perez calls her -blech- it doesn't correct an adulterous relationship either, their entire life is "airbrushed" & fake. Truly good hearted people don't seek the limelight for their good deeds ya' know.
my , my ! Every picture I see of them Brad has him hand on skankalina's booty ( what's left of it ) these two always trying to prove something !
I agree ... these two need to die already !!
Brad and Ang at a New York premiere, Brad and Ang on a boat in Venice, Brad and Ang building a school in Zimbabwe, Brad and Ang boarding a plane in Moscow... Uughhhhhh!
I am so sick of the "LOOK AT US" shenanigans of this worthless pair that I no longer bother to read their press.
Now if they were to 'duel at dawn' with pistols in the Champ de Mars in Paris----- THEN... and only then, they might capture my attention.
But for now, Begone, Brangelina!
Amen to that anon 1:09!
I think Angies trying to tell us that Brad is expecting thier next child...
"where's your butt?"
"where's YOUR penis?"
These 2 bore the ass right off me!
Let me get this strait, they're so famous and vain they snuck in through the side door to go upstairs and get all dressed up and come back downstairs to willingly get their pictures taken. And what crazy life style are they supposed to be living? I see them with their kids all over the tabloids, the internet and now all over the blogs - oooooh crazy!
People wishing people death? I can understand people not liking someone or who they are..but wishing for them to die? Life is precious and for anyone who has lost someone close to them they know that. I would never wish anyone death.
Yes, she is a very skinny woman, but maybe Brad loves to touch her. I'm not saying I'm into that kind of public display but seems they are. Maybe they are trying to prove they are close despite the wild rumours. And maybe they actually "are".
We don't know the reason behind them sneaking up the service elevator. I'm a positive person and I would believe there are others like me who aren't ready to jump on everyone and make an accusation that they know "could" be false but like the gossip of making it sound good.
(oh and for those that like to commment on my posts..it's a waste of time..once I comment I don't come back to visit the same post) But have a lovely day :)
(oh and for those that like to commment on my posts..it's a waste of time..once I comment I don't come back to visit the same post) But have a lovely day :)
7:29:00 AM PDT
No disrespect intended, but if you never come back to check what others have said, how do you know anyone said anything?
Eliza...then how do you know ppl comment on your comments then? Hmmm?? liar!
"I'm a positive person - blah, blah, blah - make an accusation - blah - "could" be false but like the gossip of making it sound good."
Did I take the wrong turn? Thought this was a gossip site & we were free to dish the dirt ;)
Guess it doesn't matter; Eliza's won't be gracing us with her retort LOL
Everyone is free to dish dirt here, but you people are haters. So what if he's always touching her, he's in love with her. He see's something in her that he couldn't see in anyone else and it's vice versa for her too.
So what if she had a wild past he seems to be good for her and she for him. I like the gossip but everyone here hates all of these celebrities.
Why come here then? Don't you have something else better to do than bitch and hate about shit you no nothing about??? Pretty sad.
Jan - what dirt are you dishing here by the way? Your asking where his cock is. That's not dirt.
These two need to die already? some need to get out more
"Jan - what dirt are you dishing here by the way? Your asking where his cock is. That's not dirt.-JM"
Dirt in the manner of rumor and/or speculation.
But, you're right - the penis thing wasn't dirt, it was plain ol' sarcasm.
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