Brad in an interview with V magazine.. “The most important thing about that time was for Jen and me to figure out if – how do I put it? – if we didn’t want to go on without any outside influence.” On trying to get all he can out of his marriage with Aniston: “Is this where we got off? Have we taken this as far as we wanted to go?” He says, “Those questions had to be answered before an attraction to Angie could be answered.” On how he handled the split with Aniston: “I don’t know how better to have handled it…The thing guiding me then was you don’t know how many days you have, and you need life to be everything you need it to be.”
Okay, read that twice and now realize that Jennifer Aniston is, at this moment, sticking long sharp pins into a very pretty voodoo doll. And I don't mean an Angie doll, no, that one would be saved for greater evil. Like a voodoo stew pot or just some lighter fluid and a bic. How insulting. And I used that pic because I like the essense of Angelina in it. Makes ya shiver, doesn't it?
The double talker goes on to say he and Jennifer are still close and had a life that can never be erased. But, that first sentance cracked me up. He's basically saying he wondered if his wife wouldn't just put up with his "outside influence." Isn't that what is sounds like to you? Now, I can ignore a cheater, that's kind of par for the course sometimes, but, a bullshitter? That's lame.
My guess is that Angelina will soon get tired of his ass and kick him to the curb. She gets bored with people quickly and Brad is NOT an interesting person. When she was with Billy Bob there was a lot more emotion oozing out of her, and she seemed more satisfied or fullfilled than she does when I see her with Blahd.
We know she is curious and likes to explore her sexuality, and also has compalined that Blahd bugs her when she's taking a bath.
Add her mental problems and constant compulsion adoptive disorder and you get an apathetic crazy bi-sexual incestous fluffer.
Thank you, I am stepping off the ledge.
No, you're just typing things we all wonder about.
I thimk Brad will ask himself the same questions when he meets someone normal. Then again, he may be scared of her crazy ass.
huh? I read it twice and don't know what the hell Brad is tying to say.
anon 9:57...I totally get what you said...too bad you stepped off the ledge & will never know! :(
What he means is this..I think...I read before that when he met AJ that she made him rethink things about the earth & environment & helping all the orphans & all kinds of BS like that, while they were making Mr & Mrs Smith. So, he'd go home to Jen & go on & on about AJ & Jen must have gotten it finally, they were having an affair...DUH! they both lied & said they weren't but Jen knew, they knew, they kept lying & he's still in denial. But his "outside influence" was f'g AJ! & they were doing that alot, just like they say at the end of that movie! Yeah, when it starts they aren't but by the end, it was all the time...just like the damn movie!!! Yeah, Brad, we get it. You cheated & lied. Now shut the eff up about it already. He is very easily 'influenced' by whatever woman he happens to be with at the moment. He needs to gorw 'some'!
The bottom line is that what he & Angelina did to J.A is just WRONG ! Many of us are intelligent enough to see right thru brAngelina . These two low lifes can spin it all they want !
I also agree with the first poster that Angelina will get tired of Brad and Angelina definitely is not right in the head .
I think she's bipolar like Britney, she just acts another kind of nuts.
Love that fake smug smile of hers!
She looks like she wants to choke this guy like "I hate you"! or something...her expression is kinda scary in a deep within kinda way. Like a serial killer...she's psycho. I think she wants to choke him & then just quietly walk away like nothing happened. Totally.
What is going on with Brad's face? Looks like someone is poking it, maybe Jen is using said voodoo doll. LOL!
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