Babies are about all Brad has to talk about anymore. This time he says “children are the antidote to sadness.”
Sigh. He should know their are millions af Brangeloonies out their who hang onto everything he says. Sorry to be a downer, but, children are a lifelong commitment to keep safe and take care of..not a cure for YOUR sadness. Brad and Angie freaks please remember that THEY have a kabillion dollars and 26 nannies. Also, it doesn't matter how many dozen kids you have, Brad is not going to invite you to dinner.
Go away Brad...right now...or you will have to deal with ...ME!!!
Everyone doesnt deserves to be a parent. Look at Britney. People that believe that wont dont do anything except hurt their kids
He wasnt a lunatic before he hooked up with Ang .. she has his ass brainwashed !
BrAngeloonie Alert !!!
and BTW ! is anyone else sick & tired of the media holding onto every word pretty poodle boy Brad & skankAlina say ! too many blogs are kissing brAngelina's ass , it's no wonder brAngeloonies are soooo obsessed & consumed .
It's quite sad -
I cant stand either one of them. I never understood the Brad Pitt facsination, hell I wouldnt screw him with "withlove"'s pussy !!!!
OK. I wasn't going to say anything nasty, but I have restrained myself for a week now. That picture of Angie holding Z with matching Valentino purses, each over a grand.
That just seems so superficial and wrong. In Z's country, that much money would probably raise a child to adulthood. Or, Ang could have dropped that much money in an envelope and sent it to the Katrina Relief fund, or to poor Appalachian children, or any number of really needy places. I know she already gives away a fortune. But if she had any wisdom at all, she would not have purchased this mini purse and flaunted it to the world.
But then, I also wonder how much money she would give organizations if they didn't listen to every word she has to say.
There is a very interesting perspective on this as it relates to Oprah in the current issue of RADAR, in their Hype Report.
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