Words out...Britney lost the custody case, at least for now, but, it's not over. At this time, reports are, she's relinquished custody temporarily to Kevin Federline. As a result of testimony made against Britney, alleging reports of "nudity, drug use and safety issues post-rehab," made by her ex bodyguard, Tony Barretto (pictured) she has been ordered to hand over Jayden James and Sean Preston to their father. Who didn't see this coming?
I hope she wasn't actually dilluded enough to believe her lawyer gloria when she told her she'd win custody.
Fact is if she doesn't pull it together very soon, as far as the courts are concerned she may earn visitation and eventually overnights etc. But she'll never win them being uprooted from a stable home 4 or 5 years down the road when she hits 30 and does the big reinventon dali lama visits thing and realizes how badly she screwed her life up and the lives of her kids.
This may be the straw that sends her into the final spiral. Look out for some severly crazy shit to come down.
"Look out for some severly crazy shit to come down". anon 11:09...thats not gonna be a new thing tho. How much worse could she get? Take a dump on the curb outside of Hyde? Then rub it all over herself? See? She has nearly already done that too, I don't know what she could do besides suicide. Hope not. I dunno what to say...there's just nothing left.
Attempted suicide or a real breakdown is what I had in mind. The other shit she has pulled has been for attention and out of ignorance.
She is apparently dealing with post partum psychosis, which is a step up in severity from post partum depression and nothing to make fun of. The girl needs serious help. Having kids ruins some women and takes years to overcome.
I actually feel sorry for her with some things. Not all, but some. I hope she takes this seriously and not just gets help but carries through on whatever is required.
She needs help, damn shame noone in her life cares enough about her to get it for her because she sure as shit isnt gonna go get it for herself, people like her dont believe they even have anything wrong with them, but she clearly does, it cant ALL be for attention.
people like her dont believe they even have anything wrong with them, but she clearly does, it cant ALL be for attention.
September 18, 2007 2:30:00 PM PDT
Poor Brit, I seriously feel bad for her, she's so lost. I hope she gets the help she needs. Seeing a psychcologist would do her a world of wander, nothing a little prozac cant cure.
I think JJ suffers from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome .. poor kiddo, you can just tell there's something wrong with him, its in his eyes. So sad :o(
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