On her Emmy..."A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. She topped it off with "Hell has frozen over. Suck it Jesus, this award is my god now!"
She WILL be censored..but, for now..LMAO @ suck it Jesus!!!
Dude looks like lady .. lol .. that was pretty nasty to say those things.
Funny how we only need Jesus in rehab.
She better watch herself saying stuff like that. Alot of bad things have happened to people after saying things against God and Jesus. I used to like her, not anymore. I have to draw the line on this.
I understand the context in which she said the comments but it crossed the line into not so funny land.
Come on half the people who get up there and say id like to thank God first yadda yadda are faking it because they want to fit in and look grateful. It has no real meaning for most.
Thats what she was making fun of and being honest that shes got the award for doing and being far removed from Godly actions.
I think shes hilarious & like her show. Shes great in person if you ever get the chance to see her. But i think she went too far with the suck it Jesus comment.
She's mean with her humor, thats not easy for a woman to pull off consistantly. At least she self-hates as well. I'm not digging her lately. You can almost see why she had marriage problems & her husband got fat etc...he probably was having a nervous breakdown every single day! That is 1 mean Bi***...
Lol true!
Those hypocrits all of a sudden become christians lol. When minutes before they were cheating their wives with some groupies, or organizing dog fights. Or wars.
In Bollywood they probably thank Brahman, Visjnuh en Shiva.
Exactly @ mj.
"God" can be anything. If it were a sincere christian or any other faith for that matter, they'd be alot more specific and it would show in their daily living.
Yelling oh god when they come with the 15th person whos not their spouse isnt exactly sharing the gospel lol.
I really like her, but this went a bit far.
Actually, I doubt that God would want any credit for the content and success of her shows, since they are way to the left of Christianity or any other major religion. I just wish she could have found a better, more palatable way of saying what she meant in this case.
she does say very outragious things to be funny and I didn't see it, but can just see her saying it - she really is a good comedian.
she really is a good comedian.
No, she really isnt. She's obnoxious.
what a fuckin idiot, how disrespectful can she get ?
There will be hell to pay for that remark.
You don't have to be a Christian to understand that God will decide your destiny. At least the people who insincerely thank God, thank Him.
She totally crossed the line, and I don't like her anymore. She is funny, but I'm not watching her anymore.
oh good Lawd! some Christians out there will just get into a snit about absolutely anything just so they can hear themselves blather on, blah blah, my-god-is-better-than-your-god idiots - it's so stupid. She was being rowdy and funny like she always is. Don't think Jesus is worried one bit. Although Santa Claus might be a little bit pissed he didn't receive a mention...
Listen to Jenn! She 'Gets It'!
Think about it....God & Jesus(The Christ actually..AND they are Separate BEINGS BTW) can 'handle it'!
They are not UP in Heaven ready to strike with a lighting bolt or jot our names down in some dusty old book if we are 'BAD'. They are LOVING BEINGS that understands Humor better then Humans understand Humor. Even badly thought up humor...
God and Christ are also NOT RELIGIOUS! Man is...Man developed that Fearful Insitution. Religion is totally based on FEAR...not any form of LOVE. That is how RELIGIONS survive is through FEAR. It gets people to cough up money for them so they can spread more FEAR.
Don't believe me? Then why is Kathy Griffin being censored? Fear perhaps? Fear of losing advertising dollars?
God is Pure Love. Pure Love. The kind of Love that only a scant handful of humans on this planet even come close to understanding what that is...I am not one of them. I am not even close...BUT, I understand that God/Jesus/Christ isn't 'Gunning for Me' in any way shape or form. Nor am I or Kathy Griffin, or anyone else for that matter threatened to live in Hell for what we say or do in this Earthly life.That again is an another B.S. design of RELIGION!
I am not defending Kathy Griffin. What she said was insensitive to others. That was about all it was too...insensitive...nothing more.
That is her Shtick. To insult and point out the the total B.S. that others do. I do commend her on her courage though. She has more Balls then most people. She would also be the first to say she isn't perfect or Holier then Thou either.
oldddood - you are soooo full of shit, you know nothing.
And what do YOU know?
You are so scared you have to hide as annoymous.
Come said your crap to my face...I live in Lansing, Michigan. I will meet you anywhere in this town.
Oh Olddood, your such a peice of work. Are you a preacher? You sure as shit THINK you are. On here babbling about something you know nothing about. I live in Orlando FL, you come to ME
Ps. Who is hiding? Olddood certainly isnt your real name, you fool.
I think shes a man in drag, maybe olddood can go suck her weenie
okey, let's all see how "JESUS" will respond to her in the future, you maybe good for now, hope your material GOD can save you in the afterlife.
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