Salma Hayek isn't the only one who's been pregnant for, like, 3 years...Charlotte Church finally popped too. It's a girl and the baby weighed in at around 7 pounds. No word on the name yet, but, this is Charlottes first child and she had her at her farm home in Wales..using a birthing pool. Congrats Charlotte.
In all sincerity its so refreshing to hear of a celebrity trusting her abilities to give birth away from the icky hospital, in the comfort of her home. Im a homebirther myself :)
Haven't seen her in anything in quite some time & I didn't know she was pregnant! She can't be more then what 19 or 20?
I think she is 21, but she seems like a girl with her head screwed on right. She had her wild days and is now moving on to another stage of life. Britney is not necessary the norm. Had my first baby at 21 and I have yet to show my privates off in public, smoke in my childrens face, whiten their teeth and let them cook in my convertible. I do walk around naked sometimes though...MK over at Dlisted was saying that the babys name might be Ava because Char has mentioned that in the past.
Just doesnt seem safe to have a home birth with so many complications that can arise ... my first pregnancy ended up being an emergency c-section, but to each his own :o)
Dear Anon 4:31:00
Yes many people live off of the fear based view on childbirth. The truth is the majority of c- sections are unnecessary. The section rates in the US are through the roof because they are SCARED of getting sued. Even at the slightest perception of danger, OBs opt to section. Its really so sad.
I have three homebirthed children, no complications.
It is my personal belief that homebirths should be within 10 minutes of a hospital for the "true" emergency such as hemorrhage, cord prolapse, etc. Most times a high rish pregnancy can be detected with prenatal care, in those instances homebirth most definitely is not an option. However the majority of women dont need medical assistance to birth.
In my experience, my first pregnancy my baby was in frank breech position with his cord wrapped around his neck 3 times and I ended up with a repeat section with my second baby because I lost all of my fluid at 37wks ... I'm also an insulin dep. diabetic
Yes, see those are VERY good reasons NOT to homebirth :)
OMGGGGGGGGGG home birthing???? Not in this lifetime ..... I want a doc there with an epidural (I think that is what its called lol) in his hand ready to be put to work....
Dear anal buccaneer (yes that is what I call Anon 6:33)
Yeah theres a time and a place for everything, Im sweet as pie if you dont mess with me. Are you an asshole 24/7? Like I said, there's a time and a place for EVERYTHING!
I happen to be a family orientated person that enjoys celebrity gossip. Most people on here are assholes anyway, but there are a few nice ones and MANY that dont write a single thing. I wish TROLLS like you would do something else with their time.
Congrats to Charlotte :)
Nothing wrong with LOVE. And it's good to see people who have family values and who love their children. It's refreshing.
>Dear anal buccaneer (yes that is what I call Anon 6:33)<
Oh, because your certain that there is only one anonymous person on here right? Get a clue, dummy.
I wanted a home birth with my last one, but, it's illegal here. So I just waited it out until the last minute. No drugs..it was actually better than the other way.
Anon 7:08,
Anal buccaneer happens to have a distinct writing style and personality like I said before. Now that I've given her that clue like 10 xs, she may have changed her style and you may be her! BUT I dont think so! Thanks for calling me a dummy, it makes my day bright and sunny :p
Aw dd, that is so wonderful to hear! I know lots of women that went that route...our country still needs some work on womens rights :(
I know. Can you believe some states make it illegal for a woman to choose where she gives birth? I think it's outrageous. And the bill for the doctors 5 min of time was even more outrageous.
distinct writing style and personality like I said before
cant be as bad as yours you 2 bit hooker
**with love** I can't imagine that you have children, you have such a nasty disposition and a filthy mouth, I hope that treat them a little nicer than you behave on here, I honestly cannot believe that you are a grown woman, you are dispicable.
I'd prefer to have my children in a hospital where they are equipped with everything necessary should complications arise. I personally just wouldn't want to even chance something awful happening, its fine for others, but for me personally, I just wouldn't do it.
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