Oh, geez..more of this mess. Britney's high powered lawyer, Laura Wasser, quit on her, saying she won't take her professional advice. A celeb news mag mic-holder (at the courthouse today) was yelling out questions about allegations of Britney having hired a hitman to kill Kevin Federline! Are you kidding me??
ET claims to have information that the FBI and LAPD are investigating legitimate leads on a contract hit on Kevin Federline supposedly taken out by Britney Spears. I knew she was crazy, but, damn!
Anyway, the custody case continues as I type. In other Brit news, she got kicked out if the Chateau Marmont for smearing a plate of food all over her face and making weird noises.
*Horrified guests were understandably outraged and demanded the management kick her out for good.*
*A source said: “The diners were disgusted. You wouldn’t expect that from a teenager in a fast-food joint. Royalty have dined in this restaurant. Her behaviour was totally unacceptable.”*
Nothing about her is "acceptable" anymore.
I Read this at TMZ just now...not good. Brit & OJ...always a good time..."How To Kill Your Ex" By Britney Spears with special intro by OJ Simpson"-LV Nevada prison inmate.
omg - That makes me crazy just reading it... she should just give up... Like drop dead... Stick a fork in her, she's done.... and she should take chris crocker with her. Blah :P
She's crazier than a shit house rat.
There Daphne goes quoting lines from Stand By Me again LMAO
Does Jayden have something wrong w/ him? He looks slow, poor kid, his mama probably did acid & coke.
I dont believe this story for a second, I think she's bipolar but I doubt she's a murderer someone who would pay for a murderer.
I dont get what her problem is. She used to be somewhat normal, seemed to like being a mom, was all photographed with Sean, etc. I wander what snapped in her and why, seems like she got nutty when her and Kevin broke up, its almost like she likes acting like a lunatic because it gets her attention, she's a poor excuse for a human being now, she'll never get custody of those boys and I dont think Kevin should either, he doesnt want them anymore than she does, he wants the support money that will come along with them. Sad.
Smeared food on her face LMAO, nutty bitch !
DUDE!!! It wasnt HER that did that, it was a man dressed as her trying to make her look bad! Are you so fucking retarted as to write complete nonsence?????
I believe she is crazy like that.
She can't even see or accept she's not capable off taking care of those boys. And she doesn't really want them, why would you abandon them to go party then. Lock this looney up for the sake of everyone and for the sake of our eyes
~~~ Are you so fucking retarted as to write complete nonsence????? ~~~
NO but you must be, learn how to spell ASSHOLE
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