Friday, September 14, 2007

I guess we have to talk about this murdering bitch again

Ick. OJ Simpson O.J. Simpson has confessed to taking memorabilia that he claims belonged to him from a Vegas hotel room, but he is denying that he broke in to get it.

Simpson says he was conducting his own "sting operation" to get what belonged to him.

The guy who was robbed claims Simpson and his "friends" broke in and held him at gunpoint and robbed him. The Las Vegas police are "looking into the matter."

What? Looking into it? When a civil court tells you to sell your shit and give the money to the families of the people you MURDERED, it aint your shit anymore. And what kind of a psycho actually tells police he was conducting his own sting operation??? How long do we have to put up with this scary fucker doing whatever he wants?


Anonymous said...

yeah, he totally gets to make up his own rules as he goes along. I wonder who he's 'blowing' to get away with everything all these years? Too bad that guy didn't have a knife or a gun ready when they robbed him!! But HE would've went to prison for defending himself against this creature!! Someone explain to me why he has a different set of rules? & Can he afford the hi-dollar lawyers this time? Hope not! Someone plz punish him this time!!!

Anonymous said...

yup he was shown he was "above the law" in his mind when he got away with murder. He doesn't think anything can happen to him.


Anonymous said...

Typical porch monkey.

Anonymous said...

"if the glove don't fit you must aquit", Thats what saved him in the end of all things, go figure.

He has to testify in some bankruptcy case his daughter is involved with too. Those poor kids, one can only imagine what their lives have been like the past ten years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love the title of this post. He's a filthy, lying, murdering ghetto thug. Wish he'd get run over by a car or something.

Anonymous said...

O.J. Simpson = Silverback Gorilla

Anonymous said...

O.J. Simpson = Silverback Gorilla

September 14, 2007 5:57:00 PM PDT

lmfao !!

Anonymous said...

WOW! The people that seem to think they are superior to all others by using racist terms should look in a mirror.

Then ask themselves what makes them superior?

O.J. simpson is a mean, nasty, bitter person. That doesn't give me or anyone else the right to use racist terms toward him.

It HURTS others. Other people that have dark skin color for example.

People need to read real books more often and learn about our history. Learn how we are repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Like Hateful Racism.

O.J. Simpson will pay his dues in good time. The universe has a way of balancing everything out in the long run. That goes for Racists as well...

Anonymous said...

fuck u olddood

Anonymous said...

Come say it to my Face...

I enjoy teaching hateful loosers like you a lesson in manners.

Anonymous said...

I sorry...I misspoke myself...

I meant to say: "Poor Baby...the Truth Hurts doesn't it...? You useless RACIST!"

Yes RACIST People like yourself do not like it when they are called out for the hateful loosers that they are...

Oh...the Offer still stands...come said to my Face. However, cowards like yourself never do back up anything you have to spew...that is the nature of a Hateful Racist Coward that you are...

Anonymous said...

Hey Olddood I WOULD SAY IT TO YOUR FUCKIN FACE but since I dont know you or will ever see your sorry ass, I'll just say it again on here FUCK YOU. OJ is a fuckin no good nigger just like Michael Vick, if you dont like it you can kiss my ass bitch !

Anonymous said...

are you black Old dood?

Anonymous said...

He's an African booty scratcher !

Anonymous said...

I agree with Olddood..
What OJ did has nothing to do with the color of his skin.

Racism is ignorance..plain and simple.


Anonymous said...

Whatever. If it was a white guy that got away with cold blooded murder, the blacks would be crying out Cracker or Honkeys. Its a frickin 2-way street.

Anonymous said...

I am biracial and even I will say this man is a nigger. I dont care if that sounds disrespectful or not, he is, plain and simple. Look what he did. Its the most hateful to call him, therefore I do. Sorry if that offends, but to each his own.

Anonymous said...

He is a cold blooded killer, doesnt make a difference if he's black, white, purple or pink, the fact remains that he got away with MURDER and since he got away with it he thinks he can get away with anyything.

Anonymous said...

I hate this spook

Anonymous said...

As i said on the vick post, you have your blacks and you have your niggers, hes a fuckin piece of shit that killed two people, got away with it and now hes finally going to get ass fucked in jail..he and vick can play drop the soap in the pokey..niggers!!!