Monday, September 17, 2007

IBBB on E! This is so awesome!

Hey, our friend at IBBB (he's on the blog links here) got noticed and put on Entertainment News for his crazy concept of force feeding anorexic celebs during the red carpet runs. Too funny. I love it when us little people get IBBB, don't let that get you all big headed like some green haired blogger we all know. You rock, dude!


Jess said...

I saw that guy on E! and laughed my head off. If only....

I'll have to start paying more attention to this guy! DD, when are you going to get your own show and get too big for your britches? :-)

Anonymous said...

That be an awesome show for one reason and one reason only. DD wouldn't kiss ass, she'd tell them they looked dreadful if they did, and pompus cartoons if it fit.

Now that i'd pay to see!

Dirty Disher said...

Awwwww, I'm happy right here, but, it makes me feel good when people like Patrick get noticed. He's so much better than Mr. Green Hair.