Friday, September 21, 2007

Jennifer Aniston making out with Ben Affleck

For their new movie "He's Just Not That Into You." I admit to liking Anistons chick flicks, not exactly a testimonial for my vast intellect, is it? But, if I was actually smart, I'd be writing multi-million dollar novels about flowers and attics instead of this. Yeah, I read that too..not making myself sound any sharper so far, but, sometimes a girl just needs to relax and eat bon bons in her bathrobe. That's really the meaning of life.


Anonymous said...

You know what? I actually liked "Friends with money" alot. I know it kinda bombed but it was pretty cool, I didn't love "The Breakup" tho. It was depressing. Maybe this will be a good one. I like her alot. The book was very good & a best seller. I'm rooting for her on this one. Go Jen!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved the "Flowers in the Attic" series...

I'm gonna have to get myself a user name so I don't get confusted with the Eliza and Daphne haters, thoubh.