In scenes from Major Movie Star where Jessica demonstrates her extensive acting skills and range of emotions. Have you ever seen an actress so diverse, so believable, so incredibly talented?? Well, hell no. She's so amazing that if this movie doesn't garner her an Oscar I will kiss your butt cheeks in Times Square! OMG! It's Jessica Friggin' Simpson!!!! Yawn.
She can't help the stuff is crap, she's just tryin' to make a living people!! J/K!! But you gotta LOVE this chicks boots & shoes! They are awesome & not expensive! LOVE them!! I don't know if she helps design any of them but they are gorgeous!! She's got her name on sooo much cool merchandise right now, she's making bank!! She AIN'T stupid!! Stupid all the way to the bank!
I hate when obnoxious fruitloops like Jessica try to portray a drunk person, they just make themselves look more stupid than they are to begin with !
I LOVE her boobies !!
What about ASSlee ? can I still sell her ?
let me know ...
Pastor/ pimp daddy Joe Simpson
Say it wasn't so!!!!! What a complete waste of Dom Perignon!
If she was just leaning back a little bit further I MIGHT have been able to see her cootchie .. darn it
One thing you will never find is me in here talking sexual. So if you see rude or lewd posts they aren't from me. The sad people are getting even more childish. When I didn't think that was possible.
Eliza (the real one)
Eliza (the real one)...how do we know that? There's no way we can know that & FYI...nobody on here even gives a sh**!
ANON 9:14 ... the thing about the "real" Eliza is that she thinks everyone gives a shit about what she posts and what she doesnt. She's probably one of the anons talking shit and fighting back and forth with herself for all we know LOL !
Well you might not find Eliza talking sexual but you sure will find me doing it !!! I'm a hardcore lezzie and I am damn fuckin proud, anyone whos got a problem with that can kiss my ass!!
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