So, Angelina gets all nakie and painted with gold stuff for her role as monster Grendels mommy in Beowulf. That still does NOT look like her body. She's scrawny as burnt twigs. It also doesn't really look like her face. Maybe they had someone else for this scene. But, all the Jolie worshippers will be woody over it anyway. Have you ever read Beowulf? Yeah, it's a classic epic poem and it hurt my friggin' blonde head trying to figure out why people think it's good. I'd rather read Vogue in a language I don't speak, and not look at Angie naked, even fake Angie naked. Ick on all of this..now ya'll pretenders can go see it and make believe you understand it and are classy and all literary and stuff. I know better. You just wanna see fake Angie naked.
I couldn't agree more , this does not look like Skankalina , after Tomb Raider her career & acting skills went down hill .
I suggest Brad & her do a reality show , it would be more entertaining than their movies .
And No ! I'm not a fan of J.A's latest movies either -
Dishy I believe Beowulf is a computer generated film all AJ had to do was voice-over work on it.
Yea,looks like a total computer made image. 'Cuz this woman has boobs & a**. No such thing to be found on Angie...& I didn't realize it until I read anon 10:59 but Jen's initials are Angies backwards...somethin' kinda weird is goin' on here!! & it's Angie!
that looks like Vanessa Minillo's face!
That does not look like her! I absolutely loved Beowulf, great epic poem. Then again I'm a big fan of literature. I can't wait for this movie to come out, even though I dislike Jolie and have yet to see her in any movie. I might just have to break my non-Jolie streak because I want to see Beowulf in "action".
THe whole body is way thicker than hers, its insane that they are even trying to pull it off~ bogus!
Exactly. I'm not fooled for a moment. This image is NO WAY Angelina Jolie.
I agree, DD. they made me write an essay or report or whatever about it in high school and it sucked so much and I was completely lost. I wrote that Beowulf lived in a cave and my english teacher pointed that little detail out with red ink and I have severe psychological trauma. It almost made me cry. I hated it and still do.
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