Jude Law jumped a pap yesterday outside Law's home then he turned himself in to London police. Get this, the paparazzi claims he was just standing at the bus stop minding his own, didn't even have his camera out, when Jude comes flying out and beats him senseless and calls him a "fucking pedophile." Seems Jude accused the guy of stalking his kids.
Hmm, I find it hard to believe Jude Law just goes off the wall and beats holy hell out of some innocent guy waiting for a bus. That just doesn't make sense. And since when is there a bus stop in front of Judes mansion??..lol. Come on, guy, you can do better than that. I think it's kinna hot that Jude kicked his ass. Jude's out on bail now. Kick his ass some more!
He's so fuckin hot
Jude jailbird...mmm I love the bad boys who've done some time!
To quote Anon above...He is sooo f'ing hot!
i wanna be his nanny ;-)
Kicked some ass
How with his limp wrist?
One day thy are going to put their hands on the wrong photographer, and hopefully get a lesson in humility.
You'd go nuts too if it was your kids being followed around. It scares them. I'd have done the same in his shoes.
In Rachel Rays annoying language .. YUM-O
'Waiting for a bus', my ass.
I'll bet the pap was peeping in Jude's window!
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