Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Katherine Heigl for Instyle

Gawd! Someone went INSANE with photoshop. The only thing left of her is her eye color.


Anonymous said...

LOL .. WHO the hell is that ? Sure as hell doesnt look like Katherine!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have known it was her if you didn't put the name there.

This isn't a look for her..she's a naturally gorgeous woman.


Anonymous said...

shes fug anyway you look at her

Anonymous said...

I prefer her as a blonde.... this pic sure doesn't look like her...

Anonymous said...

WTF?? Why would they do this to an already beautiful woman?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was the skinny Judd sister.

Anonymous said...

LOVE that dress & thats all. I don't even watch this chick's show. She tryin' for the Kelly Osbourne look these days? The vampire/goth thing? It's kinda cool & elegant, as are all vampires!

Anonymous said...

Theres no skin texture distinction under the arm at all lol.

Photoshoping aside she looks totally different with dark and short hair!

Anonymous said...

omg where did my sexy Kat go??? Damn it. I fuckin love that bitch, what happened? How will I rub my cooter tonight with THAT image in my head now? Damn it all to hell.