The Blow took a break from rehab to go to the drugstore. Reports are it was Rite Aide, but, it was more likely some lowlife in the alley. Is this bitch going to just live in rehab forever? Seems like she's been in rehab for 400 years...and it still hasn't helped. Words out..she's broke. Well, not really, but, her manager shut off her funds and she's been calling everyone in Hollywood trying to borrow money. She always asks for 10 grand. She ran up a million dollar hotel bill at Chateau Marmont before they kicked her ass out and her accountants claim she spent a million or more in the last year that's just unaccounted for. Dur. Her manager is her mom, Dina, by the way..so you know by the time she gets out of rehab, she WILL be broke.
Oh, I forgot, when she asks for the 10 grand, she always says "I'm good for it, I'm the most famous person on the planet." Really? Yeah you are, Blow. My tounge is so far in my cheek right now, I'm bouta poke a hole in my jaw.
why does she need to take her "friends" clothes then?. This bitch thinks she's getting away with it, but life has a way of making you face reality. Studios will not insure her for movies, that's why she now wants to sing. Her and Britney ought to either ice skate, or wrestle each other.
I just love that a million dollars or so is "unaccounted for"...
That's Hollywood accountant-speak for SPENT ON DRUGS.
Anne Hathaway & other quality young actresses out there doing great work & keeping their dignity & reputations are what the real Hollywood will show, thru all this bleakness & scandal. Thats what makes me sad tho, those gals don't get the press! It's the Blows & Brits & Paris' of the world that don't do anything of importance or worthiness. I'm sure they all hate Anne BTW! She really shows them up. jealous!!
straight to the 'drug' store-DUH!!
she needs help mentally too. She really beleives she is all that and nothing can happen to her cuz she is "famous".
Only thing that might happen is a nice casket
Gawd she just looks like would reek of trout ... freakin' nastyass firecrotch
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