Sources at Cirque Lodge say Blohan's addicted to sex and is having constant erotic fantasies of her ex boy friends. Is that a polite way of saying she's so bored she's wanking herself half to death? Besides cocaine, booze, and sex, The Blow is also addicted to starring in half wit movies, thinking she's a rock and roll star, KY jelly, Ugg boots, skull jewelry, bug eye sunglasses, hair extensions and retarded parents. She IS coordinated though...I'd like to see you masturbate, make a dirty phone call, text message the paparazzi, snort a line the size of a fire hose off the back of a Le Deaux matchbook and drive all at the same time.
She should just go do porn then
Speaking of porn .. does anyone remember Brandi C. from Rock Of Love?? She was the bleach blonde with the annoying voice who got booted in the beginning.. She's a porn star now, I read it yesterday and even saw the pics to gag me, she goes by the name Brittany Burke ... nastyyyyyy !
She cant seem to keep that firetrap shut of hers can she? Who the fuck would want her, if she had as many dicks stickin out of her as she does in her, she'd be a damn porky pine
LiLo masturbates?
Palaythamay said...
LiLo masturbates?
September 17, 2007 6:36:00
Doesnt everyone? LOL .. just kidding.
DD said..."She IS coordinated though...I'd like to see you masturbate, make a dirty phone call, text message the paparazzi, snort a line the size of a fire hose off the back of a Le Deaux matchbook and drive all at the same time."
LiLo can drive??
...but, seriously...you don't really want to see me do all that!
Well, I hear that there's only two kinds of liars in this ol' world...somebody who says that they've never jacked-off and somebody who says they quit.
I always heard it like this: "98% of men admit they masturbate, the other 2% are liars". I guess you could also apply this women...
You can't spell attention whore without whore
Let her wank, it's the most harmless thing she has done in years.
I could see her masturbating too since she thinks shes Gods gift, she probably gets off at the sight of naked self. What a douchebag.
Id lick her firecrotch puss if she let me, hell yeah ! Come on over to my house you sexy freckled slutbag whore !!
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