Thursday, September 13, 2007

Lohan...looking beat

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Blowhan's about to blow out of rehab in around a week..that's the rumor. She looks damn rough to me. I don't think she's havin' a good time.

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Remember the good ol' carefree days before law suits, rehab, and jail sentances, when all ParAss and Blow had to worry about was showing their stained underpants and who'd load the crack pipe?

UPDATE: OMG! I just found out that last photo is a Crabbies Hollywood fake. Crabbie, don't you EVER tell me you can't shop again..I thought it was real! LOL!


Anonymous said...

she is sooo dirty looking all time

Anonymous said...

She is still not being insured by production companies, money's tight, and now she has to sell herself as a singer to make money. I bet she wishes she had that year worth of rent at Chateau Marmont, and all that money that went up her nose, and Callum's girls nose.

Anonymous said...

Honestly who thinks acting like that is truly 'fun'?


Anonymous said...

LL wearing her "period pannies" here? I am thinkin' she is! Nasty!Jeez...not on the outside - pulleeasse!!

Anonymous said...

Stay there please, or move to kindergarden.

Anonymous said...

Wow..she really straightened up in rehab. She looks completely clean, healthy, and sober. Excuse me, I think I hear a thunder storm brewing...ZAP!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't know - the look on her face says only 1 thing to me.

Everyone else is wrong, she is mad at the world and she just wants out to party more.


Anonymous said...

She looks mad at the photographer for taking "yet another" intrusive pic.
She obviously is still wrapped-up in her personal problems and is showing her typical unprofessional stripes.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have those underwear on my head too, I love women's panties so much, I buy used ones through mail order and I wear them around my house as I listen to Liberace records.