Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Marc Anthony says his wife is just fat

She's not pregnant, according to her hubby. Marc: "Everyone calls about this every month with the hopes that they’ll hit the mark…but no. No." So, she's just sporting a beer belly to go with the ass now? Too bad, a baby Skeletor would be so much fun. I'm not sure I believe him anyway.


Anonymous said...

I bet skelator looooves J-HO's big booty smothering him LOL !

Anonymous said...

LOL She is TOO big for his skinny little concentration camp lookin self!

Anonymous said...

I doubt he sed that

Anonymous said...

God, some people NEVER pick up on sarcasm, do they?

Anonymous said...

She's I don't understand why they gotta be all agueliera(?) and stuff about it.


Anonymous said...

amy...yeah! said...
God, some people NEVER pick up on sarcasm, do they?

Your name is so dumb YEAH !

Anonymous said...

If she is having a baby. It's gonna be one pampered spoiled egomaniac of a brat.